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Posts posted by R0T

  1. I'm on it. Think i will release a Update this Night ;)


    Update is Pending on Armaholic

    ---------- Post added at 22:57 ---------- Previous post was at 22:11 ----------

    New Version is OUT NOW !!!


    • Added new Text and Style of it
    • Changed Script for Loadout … hoppe this works now !!!


  2. First THX very very much for you answer but i really want to lerne this and not just copy past it. So please help me get this straight !

    So this is what i understand you are doing .....

    With this you are define a function with the Name changeLoadout

    changeLoadout = { 
       private ["_unit"]; 
       _unit = _this; 
       _unit addBackpack "b_kitbag_base"; 
       private ["_backpack"]; 
       _backpack = unitBackpack _unit; 
       clearMagazineCargoGlobal _backpack; 
       _backpack addmagazineCargoGlobal ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", 2]; 
       _backpack addItem "optic_Hamr"; 
       _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H";  
       _unit addmagazines ["smokeshell",2]; 
       _unit addmagazines ["handgrenade",4]; 
       _unit addWeapon "Binocular"; 

    after that you check if its a dedicated server if this is true you wait till there is a player ?!

    And call the changeLoadout function for the player ?!

    if (!(isDedicated)) then { 
       waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; 
       player call changeLoadout; 

    This Part i commented out in the init because im using =BTC= Revive and i think this one call the function again when theplayer get respawnt right ?! But i want the =BTC Revive skript let handel the gear thing if someone dies snd get revived.

       _x addEventHandler [ 
               private ["_unit"]; 
               _unit = _this select 0; 
               _unit call changeLoadout; 
    } forEach playableUnits;  

    But what happens when i want too play the mission with the AI ??? I understand it that way that they don't get the charges and muzzles ... thats right ? Because there are not players so the function don't get called

    Now Just one more Question ..... why is this making any difference to my solution . is the init line in the editor only get processed on the host or server and not on the clients ??? Why is my solution not working . Is there a guide or something that can help me too understand that issue ?? I found somthing on the wiki but that is not going very deep and is about armed assault with sqs syntax... ;(

    Thx again for the help in advance !!!

  3. You musst drop the Files in the Folder where also the Files are saved when you save them on the editor.

    Maybe you just start the editor and save a file as user mission with the name "test". Now search this folder in your documents under Arma 3 missions.

    When you found the folder add there a folder with the name like aMissionToStudy.stratis THIS .stratis IS VERY IMPORTANT. Now drop the extracted files in there. After that you should find the mission in the editor under the name from the folder ! Hope this helps ;)

  4. Hey,

    i have a problem with my mission or maybe i get here something not right. I have 4 unit in my mission and each unit has the following code in its init code block in the editor. They get ported in the boot and all get the same equipment

    this moveInCargo Boat2;this addbackpack "b_kitbag_base"; 
    (unitBackpack this) addmagazineCargo ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag",2];
    this addItem "optic_Hamr";
    this addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_H"; 
    this addmagazine "smokeshell";
    this addmagazine "smokeshell";
    this addmagazine "handgrenade";
    this addmagazine "handgrenade";
    this addmagazine "handgrenade";
    this addmagazine "handgrenade";
    this addWeapon "Binocular";

    Now one player reports me that only one unit has the Satchel Charges in the inventory. I check the mission in the Editor and in Multiplayer on my own machine and there all the units have them. Could it be that this only works on on the server and not on the clients ??? I thought that this init is called on any pc or is this not right ???

    And what can i cange too make it work.

    Or has the player maybe a broken file ??

    Thx in advance for the help !

    The mission is her

    Download on Armaholic

  5. Mmmh that's odd because all team members should have 2 charges ??? I will check this !! Maybe I have messed it up ;)

    I thought about that earlier that the medic don't have the explosives ! So yah I will change this.

    The revive i don't want too change. So if sombody just want too play only with the marksman and the grenadier they can't revive. I don't want too force player to a roll they must Play. The medic has the advantage that he is the only char who can heal other Units too the full 100%. So it's a good idea to take him with you ;) but I don't want too make it a must !

  6. Hey, short question ! Is it possible to combine a if statement with a for do ???

    When I have tried it i got a error. Ok maybe I messed it up with all the {}}{}{}{}{{}}} ;)

    So till i try this again is it even possible ? Sorry im very new too this editing !

    I have code that is done 6 times in a row and I want the script looks a bit shorter and nicer ;)

    Like this :

    if (alive player) then


    if (blabla) then


    for [{_i=0}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do


    player globalChat format["%1",_i];





    for [{_i=0}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do


    player globalChat format["%1",_i];






    hint "Blablabla";


  7. Hi, after searching around I don't get any clou.

    I have a array called _startPos and in there is a position. [x,y,z]

    Then I read the x value with _x1 = (_startPos select 0);

    After that I change the _x1 with _x1 = _x1 + 10;

    And now I want to give this new value back in the array with _startPos = set [0,_x1]; but here Arma drops a expression. Is this it not right ? Or how i have too do this ?

    I'm very new too this hole scripting so any help would be awsome !

  8. New Version is OUT NOW !!!


    • Added Parameter too the =BTC= Revive script so you can choose how many life’s you have.
    • Added a new „Time of Day“ - Darknight –
    • On some spots on the map I added Lights because ist sometimes f..... Dark ;)
    • Fixed a bug who had drops a expression all the time. I’m getting better with this editor.


  9. Thanks Rot for getting back.

    Ya I realize keeping the number down adds to the tension, but as old as some of us are we may have cardiac arrest :)

    I'll give it a try regarding making the changes and let you know how I make out.

    Thanks again for the great mission

    I worked it out so in the next version you can choose between 4 options on how many lifes you have 1,3,5 or 10 ;)

  10. Hey Giallustio,

    i got a smale question.I have build a mission with your revive skript and its runnig nice ! But i have a little problem with another skript. For the whole Task management im using FHQ TaskTracker - its also a awsome skript like yours. Now my problem is that when a players die i think your skript is creating a new char so the FHQ skript is loosing this unit. My questin is if ther is a part wher i can add somthing like a init for the revived units ?? so that the FHQ skript can pick up the unit again ??

    Thx for your help in advance or too any other guy thats helping me. I'm new too this hole skripting stuff :) So any help would be very nice.

    Nobody can help ?! Just a textHint "Maybe"; ;)

  11. @Fawlty

    First Thing First thanks you for your Feedback. It is possible too raise the revive count ! If you want too make this on your on you have too search a programm to open the pbo file in the Arma 3 folder MPMissions After that you get a the hole mission folder with all files. This goes to your dokuments folder where all your own missions from the editor are saved. In this files you will find a folder called =BTC= revive or somthing like that. In there you find a =BTC=_revive_init.sqf file you can open it with the texeditor. In there you will find the settings for the the revive script so you can change how many times you can revive. The setting called BTC_lifes set this as you wish and save the file.

    After this you have to open the hole mission in your arma 3 editor. And save it as a new multiplayer mission. And voila it's done ;) if you ask very kindly and give me the number of lifes you want I can also do this for you and send you a pm with the mission ;)

    But after all you will lose much of the tension when you set the count too high. Like I wrote in the mission splash screen " keep your head down " !!!

    If you don't want too make this all on your one. At the moment I'm trying too add a parameter in the mission start screen so it will be possible to change the lifes for every player in the parameters in the start screen. Like you can set the daytime. But I'm new too this Arma editing and this could be take some days till I have worked it out ;)


    The main thing is we can understand us each other ;)

    For your request with another player I can make this for you an send you the new mission as pm. It's done in 5 min. But I don't want too reales different versions of one mission ! That's too much work to maintain all the time ;)

  12. Hello Desaix,

    first thx for your feedback ! What you mean exactly with the "Fix of the medikit revive number" ? Sorry English is not my mother language.

    The triggers goes off if the drivers get further away. So you got the chance too kill him when he is driving away. Maybe there are other units running away.

    If you don't manage it too kill all you get a extra message that something happens ... ;)

    I will make new missions but at the moment I'm still learning more things about the editor ! But I'm planing ;) The Sweep mission is more like my laboratory .. I will update it as I learn better and nicer ways too do things in the editor.
