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Posts posted by machineabuse

  1. Looking around got borked in multiple stances since the last update or so... Having the weapon lowered, but both hands on the weapon, I have virtually no vertical freedom in looking around (also it stutters like hell upon fighting these max up/down limits). Oddly enough, a click on the right mouse button helps, such that one hand is now free/not holding the weapon while walking (btw. may I ask what's the idea/point between these two variants?). Either way I can look around fine while standing still, even with first lowered weapon stance. But once I'm moving, all I can do is looking straight ahead, and it's super annoying.

    A similar "vertical look around restriction" seems to happen in some prone stances too I think, but I can't really tell. Maybe these newly added animations, people don't seem to be too kind of, all show this bug?

    Did nobody else notice this yet?

    Or has some new freelook option or some other setting been implemented that I need to tweak now?

    I did notice that. I believe it's because vertical mouse displacement is still tied to waist movement when the weapon lowered when it should only be tied to head movement. Either way I agree, I don't believe this is the intended behavior, feels really janky.

  2. I'm not sure if it has been brought up and my searches haven't turned anything up but some of my group's members as well as myself feel that the M4's gunshot seems to be strangely a little softer than any of the other weapons in the mod. We feel that even the suppressed M4 gunshot seems to at least subjectively sound slightly louder.

    Also in this update I noticed your RHS option screen still says "v0.3.7" ;)

    The new M249 sound is a definite improvement. It's great to see the incremental changes stack up!

  3. This reminded me that could you please finally fix the toggle zoom ins and outs in vehicles? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16065 I'd really like to use zoom out in some vehicles when I'm driving because it helps a lot wo see some surroundings.

    That would be stellar actually. I have a key bound to zoom out specifically for driving and it helps massively. Having a working toggle would be even better.

    I'm liking the new animations and limits for aiming up and down. The wonky backbreakiness is mostly gone with the exception of aiming up and down in prone, which I believe should have a narrower limit.

  4. I notice that the new walk animation with both hands on the gun was pulled. A shame. It wasn't perfect but it was better than the overly casual walk anim. New limits for head tracking seem pretty nice. I really appreciate the new FOV settings. Feels more comfortable overall now.

  5. I just want to express my appreciation for the perfectly set up head tracking limits with the helos. No clipping through the windscreen or canopy spars, no funky weirdness it just works silky smooth :D SFM feels very familiar, was able to jump right in and go with the flow with my regular practice routines, even able to autorotate to a landing after clipping my skids on a radio tower. Feels most similar to the ACE2 MH6 FM albiet with a quicker control response. I like it.

    Aside from the GAU-19 missing sounds that were mentioned before, the only other weird thing I found was that trying to use countermeasures plays a weird sound file and after they run out the chopper repeatedly plays a reloading sound.

  6. It would really cool to be able to for example shift your position while deployed to refine your positioning (very slow dragging?, press a movement key long enough and bipod undeploys like it does currently).

    I know it's kinda possible now but it's really annoying when you aim at something, deploy and the aim goes to somewhere else and you have to search for the target again only to find out you can't aim that high from that terrain gradient and then try to shift position.

    Of course the terrain resolution is a tad problematic with this..

    The idea of the feature is great, and it does work quite nicely on many occations but some refining is due.

    Also some building windows get really annoying to deploy to as the windows really seems to like you to be in either corner of the window which limit your firing arc (sorry, no specific buildings in mind, they all seem to have this "problem")..

    I think this is a pretty neat idea and a good compromise. Being able to push the position around/rotate it would alleviate quite a few issues with unexpected deployment results.

    Still would like to see vertical surface/corner deployment sans/bipods with a slight penalty to steadiness and recoil reduction. Urban/woodland fights would benefit from it, also it would add forgiveness to hastily deploying the weapon in a less than ideal position.

  7. After all the times that I've shot "through" people with vehicle-mounted weapons (i.e. when we were both turned out) I can see why BI would try to "minimise this being obvious" with personal weapon FFV...

    That said, a native setting or mod that allows this would be most welcome. Think of the potential for scenarios that you would be able to shoot through the windshield in a forced vehicle stop for example, or keep a prisoner covered with your weapon in the back of a 5-ton. Imagine if you were able to shoot from the pilot's seat of the little bird after a dead stick autorotation while buying time to undo your seat restraints. Heck, being able to shoot from chairs in the game would be ace.

    Certainly, there are a lot of merits to enforcing muzzle discipline in vehicles but the potential of the FFV system can be pushed way further :)

  8. I'm not sure if I'd call something as mundane as memorizing enemy numbers and locations and ticking them off a checklist as I kite them to death a challenge. Because of the lack of saves I defaulted to a very conservative approach. I look forward to playing the mission through with more gusto. ;)

  9. People seem to confuse difficulty with immersion.

    Were the mission design like Pilgrimage where the events and the results had a greater amount of variability then yes I'd agree that replaying this mission has the potential to be more fun. But the shift in design from every other mission in the game to this makes it a mismatch and taking away saves comes off as arbitrary regardless of the design intent.

    1. There isn't a great enough variation in the narrative events to make replays of this mission worth it

    2. The mission area is too big to encourage players to take risks and exercise autonomy

    3. There is a disproportionate amount of risk to very little reward

    4. Everything that this mission makes you do is better expressed in other missions, adding nothing but busy work to finishing a mission that the rest of the campaign doesn't prepare the player for

    When I finished played and finished this mission the first time I beelined it to the nearest heliport, boarded a chopper and flew away. Every time since I have tried to play it to see what else I could experience has been an exercise in frustration.

    I have no doubt mission can be played by rote. After enough trial and error you can develop a method in which to beat the mission, the process of which in my opinion cannot be called fun or engaging or even challenging. It's just a consumption of time or a waste when the narrative payoff is so insubstantial.

    I've only just discovered Pomigit's mod, which has finally given me impetus to explore this mission more. Personally, I think the better alternative is a native last mission that actually feels worth playing.

  10. Grats on realease! :cool:

    The new 3D interaction menu is super slick. I have great love for any mod that allows me to take other mods out of my list for simplification.

    I will say that visibility of the menu under certain conditions (bright daylight) can be challenging. If there was a way to draw a better contrast around the text I'd suggest pursuing that.

    I'm also getting a non-critical error on startup that appears tied into HLC; "No entry ;bin\config.bon/CfgAmmo/HLC_7.62x51_tracer.model'." that I assume I'm getting because I'm not a HLC user.

    Clear shooting glasses in the items list would be nice. As would modelling the active hearing protection of some existing headgear items. The overmodeling of the goggle effects from AGM seem to be inherited; one's vision shouldn't wash out white when firing in broad daylight.

  11. Both methods are expressive abstractions of reality. Depending on your method of handling a firearm, many weapons do not exhibit muzzle rise at all in full auto. Staying on target is a matter of trying to keep the 'hose' pointed in a chosen direction, not necessarily just "down", but wherever the muzzle wants to point after recoil has pushed it against your body and your body has pushed back on it. ArmA 3's expression as simple muzzle rise give the player something they can exert some control over with familiarity that can be learned and the end result is relatively authentic. Over time it has improved greatly from what it was at inception, will better systems exist in the future that are better facsimiles of reality than what is currently in game? Probably. Do any exist in other games now? That's debatable.

    Having to drag down muzzle rise is something you as a player can get better at, just like putting a hard limit on muzzle rise and redirecting the cone when you hit that hard limit. Both are abstractions of the same thing and both have pros and cons.

    I do think that ArmA's system can break down a bit for a low mouse sensitivity user. Not a problem for me but I think people who are effected may want to focus on that grievance rather than try to find reasons the whole system sucks.

  12. Hey all,

    I've played a bit of Arma 3 in the past, and I can't say I was terribly happy with how the recoil worked. Specifically, when a series of single-fire shots are made in rapid succession, or when a weapon is fired in-full auto, the weapon rises, keeps rising, and then stays pointed at the part it rose to.

    So my question is, how has the recoil been changed, and how does it work now? Do weapons come back down once you've stopped firing?

    I'm really looking forward to playing Arma 3 on the new PC I'm building, but it'll suck to play if weapons still act like they're not affected by gravity.

    Gravity has no effect on the behavior of recoil. The changes to recoil are largely in the cosmetic handling of what the camera does when the weapon is fired which in turn has allowed some refactoring of the severity of recoil for weapons (Remember how the MX would be a chore to keep on target during a string of fire? No longer the case.).

    Despite the fact you still need to manually drive the muzzle down, the way that shooting in ArmA 3 feels now is leaps and bounds better than the way it was. The revision of recoil in addition to resting and deployment also means that fighting while your character is moderately fatigued is now a pretty reasonable proposition.

    It may not have gravity but I think if you give it a try you'd find that it's still quite a pleasurable execution.

  13. You'll actually find that actual snipers prefer lower elevations for 2 reasons. People automatically assume snipers are on the high ground, and backdrops.

    More accurately (no pun intended) a marksman prefers to be level with the target to take elevation out of the equation.

    So far I find that weapon deployment works great except when it doesn't, which sadly is pretty often. There are a lot of instances where I thought it would be reasonable to deploy on a rock or a on an irregular bit of wall and either not being able to do it or the game taking control and realigning my player avatar against my will.

    Deployment is also lacking any regard to fieldcraft and is overly biased towards both 1. having a bipod and 2. horizontal surfaces. Where in reality it would be very reasonable to exploit the stability of a railing or a tree to get a better shot. Yes yes I know that weapon resting gives a passive benefit but the whole reason we have bipods is that way back when some enterprising fellow stuck his musket through some branches and found it to be a good idea.

    That said, I am finding the new mechanics to be a great step in the right direction :cool: while rough around the edges in places I think between the seamless transition into resting to the snap into weapon deployment the execution of the mechanic feels pretty solid. I just think that deployment should be a little more versatile than it currently is.

  14. I have an old ticket on the tracker suggesting trigger reset only when the mouse button is released. In Infiltration UT we had a mechanic with bolt action rifles where the bolt would only be racked after you released the mouse button so you could maintain your sight picture and follow through.

  15. You were right about this maybe 5 years ago. This is a common misconception about other shooters that Arma fans have.

    In UE4, you spawn the projectile from a defined socket. You can even set up multiple sockets really easily, which is a massive bitch to do in Arma, so I would say some other shooters are more advanced than Arma in that respect.


    We did a lot of the same stuff for Infiltration back in the Unreal Tournament engine actually. We had properly defined locations for both spawning bullet projectiles as well as individually set vectors locations for brass ejection (I volunteered for that because OCD). Our main programmer also did weapon collision with terrain which in practice didn't work as well as you might think; translating what a player reasonably intends with weapon collision is a tricky business. On the one hand it gives you deep CQB mechanics on the other hand when you need to get your weapon through a loophole to shoot the bounding boxes in games often don't want to play ball.
