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About silvertip83

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    Private First Class

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  1. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    That's exciting! I intend to have a full theatre experience from Europe and Africa to the Pacific so I wish you luck as well sir! If you're interested, we could team up and put our modding powers together? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    Awesome, I'll go check my inbox! With people's growing interest and support it definitely can grow big. At the moment I'm working on modeling out some weapons so hopefully I'll have a content update soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    update bump
  4. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    Yeah I've got a message into them with no response yet. I'm going to assume I will have to work alone on this until I hear back. At the moment I'm examining existing files from I44 and the Liberation mod for examples of content and their creation methods. Hopefully within the next month I can push out a solid weapon or two. (Coding will be easy, it's the modeling that will take some time) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    I'll certainly do everything I can to make it a reality. Thanks for your support! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    Progress update bump
  7. I'd be interested in helping port that A2 content over to A3. I was referred to this thread by chains as I'm in the beginning steps of creating a WW2 mod for A3. If you'd be interested in speaking further, shoot me a PM or we can chat on this thread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    I was under the impression that I44 was put on indefinite hold due to devs working on other projects and life in general. I'll definitely check out the thread though and see who I can reach out to. I suppose the worst case scenario is getting permission to modify and port the entire mod over to A3 if no one from their side is working on it. Work smart not hard right? Thanks for the info chains
  9. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    It's extremely generic, you're right. I crafted it up fairly quickly to try and give a large overview of what I'm going to accomplish and where I want to take it. I've only begun working on stuff so as I progress I'll happily share screens and vids. My goal was to get the conversation started and see who if anyone at this point would like to dive in with me. If you're interested in helping, have some tips, or just want to share ideas and brainstorm I'm all ears. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. silvertip83

    Experience WW2 Road Map

    Yeah I'm hoping I can get some assistance or else it's going to be a long lonely road. I assumed with the amount of work required it will take at least 2 years till project completion. Experience was an awesome mod but definitely over shadowed by Forgotten Hope which was amazing as well. Nice to meet another player from that era. Thanks for the heads up on ALiVE. Definitely a ways off from that but good info regardless. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Update 13 Jun 15: Alrighty folks, I've looked through the file structures and have a good understanding of what needs done. I've also decided in true modder fashion to create everything from the ground up. The content that exists is great but I would rather use that stuff as a reference and have original work than piggy back off existing content. So it's off to modelling and scripting some weapons and anims. Does anyone know the preferred Tri count for weapon LOD's and typically how many LOD's are used in A3? Lastly, a member recently posted on the forums calling my endeavors Band of Brothers In Arma.... I kinda like that way more than Experience 1944. Thanks for the great title idea midnight! Update 08 Jun 15: Original Post:
  12. Hi everyone! I'm silvertip83, and I wanted to offer everyone here at the Arma 3 community an invitation to join a really fun gaming community. Initiative Gaming focuses on two things: First we focus on being competitive. IG is a unique beast that houses multiple clans for all sorts of different games. Whether it is Seraphim Initiative which is a major force in the Eve / Dust community or Corruption which is a fast growing guild for Defiance, we offer a bit of gaming for everyone. Having seen the awesomeness that is Arma 3, IG now wants to expand its community even more by bringing in competitive players who know tactics and are skilled with multi role combat. Second, we focus on having as much fun as possible. Yes we like to win, but there is not point in winning if you aren't having fun doing it. IG members are light hearted and range from 17 to 45 so everyone is more than welcome to join. So what are our goals for Arma 3? We want to play with the community. Sure we intend on hosting a server and launching massive PVP and PVE events, but more importantly, we also stress playing on other peoples servers and getting to know the larger Arma 3 community. We also plan on diving into some modding for the game as well through our internal game development team at Cracked Anvil Studio. They are a small team of guys that love modding and building content. We hope to push out some amazing mods throughout Arma 3's life. Why join? Outside of having a great place to call your virtual home. We offer free communication via our Mumble server and also offer a Minecraft server for anyone who is interested. We take great pride in putting a username to a face/real name as well, so you will definitely make some solid life long gaming friends. If you are up for the challenge and think you will make a great addition to our community, head on over to our website at: http://initiativegaming.org We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me as well. I'd be happy to answer anything.
  13. silvertip83

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    Considering how BI completely overhauled both the inventory system and the general flow of movement and combat (which is amazing!) I think that PVP will definitely be more prevalent. I myself have an idea for setting up month long campaigns using a server and some heavy scenario editing. It would be hella fun and I'm sure there are so many others out there willing to host servers that will provide unique options for you to experience. With just the alpha being as good as it is, the beta and subsequent release is only going to get much better. That being said, my vote then is a definitive YES to there being ample PVP action for you!
  14. silvertip83

    Clouds & Wind option / interaction

    Realistically, I think choosing cloud altitudes is probably one of the least important things when dealing with developing a military simulation experience. However, I agree that it would be a nifty feature in the creation kit to allow for low rolling clouds, fog, rolling mist, and hiding in the clouds! To answer your second question, the amount of physics required to calculate the effect of windage on a moving aerial vehicle is rather intense. Besides, I think this effect would be more of a hinderance than anything. It would make hovering in a helicopter very difficult. Cool concept but I don't think they will execute the idea. Course I could totally be full of it and they intend on doing both lol. Just my thoughts.
  15. silvertip83

    Who would like to have reasonable rain.

    I would definitely like some awesome rain effects. From what I've seen so far the engine is absolutely beautiful. Once the rain is nailed I can foresee some amazing scenarios in extremely bad weather.