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Everything posted by badluckburt

  1. badluckburt

    Too many objects in grid rectangle x,y

    It's Burt :P But anyway, Bushlurker didn't mention any numbers so how did you come up with 512x512 and 20x20m all of the sudden? :D
  2. badluckburt

    Terrain Builder Crashes

    I'm going to give you some advice in general: provide information if you want people to help you solve a problem. Otherwise you're going to find people will ignore your requests if all your feedback is 'still not working'.
  3. badluckburt

    Terrain Builder Crashes

    You've posted the same settings image twice. I think TB may be crashing because of the following but I can't say for sure: Satellite / Surface (mask) source image Your satellite layer image and mask layers image are 2048x2048px Satellite / Surface (mask) tiles You've set these tiles to 2048x2048px which means TB is trying to chop up your 2048x2048 images to 2048x2048 tiles with an overlap. Try setting it to 1024x1024 or 512x512 and try again. If the map works after you try the above and you find your ground-textures are too stretched, try lowering the 64x64m to 32x32m - it may not be necessary though :)
  4. badluckburt

    NVIDIA Tweaks and Ingame tweaks

    Maybe if you run the game with -noPause? It probably still isn't the same as when you actually play but it might be more accurate.
  5. Hi everyone, I think most of you already know about the BI Sim wiki but since there seems to be an influx of new map makers I thought I'd post this for anyone who wants to know more about the terrains in RV: https://resources.bisimulations.com/w/index.php?title=Category:Terrains
  6. badluckburt

    Terrain Grass Glitch

    It's MINE! Well, ofcourse it isn't :) but almost every tutorial I read before I got started with terrains recommended that value without ever stating why.
  7. badluckburt

    Terrain Grass Glitch

    ^^ No problem, I was playing with that setting the other day, put it to 5x5 meters which makes each texture tile look like a poststamp from the air :D
  8. badluckburt

    Too many objects in grid rectangle x,y

    Was this before or after you changed the texture size from 640x640m to somewhere around 40m? You could export the objects to a textfile and look for a lot of objects with the same coordinates.
  9. badluckburt

    Sat-Image Cleanup

    The Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop that Jakerod mentioned will let you do that. You use the tool to sample a part of an image, it can be the one you're working on or a different one. Then, when you start painting, it will paint the area you've sampled, if you do this on a separate layer it's easier to manage. My roads looks horrible atm though, I need more sampling materials. But it works great for grass. You can adjust the area you sample and my advice would be, sample small bits, paint a little with them and sample again, paint again etc. That way, if you're sampling on the same map, you don't get the repetition. GIMP probably has a similar feature in case you use that.
  10. badluckburt

    Terrain Grass Glitch

    You're welcome (sorry, forum rules say we can't has Dutch in here :)) 640x640m o.O That's a bit too much. What that means is that one tile of your grass texture is stretched out across 640x640m terrain. Try lowering that to 40x40 or as close to that as possible.
  11. badluckburt

    Terrain Builder Crashes

    It would help if you gave some information about your project and the way you import everything into TB plus any tutorials you may use. The only question I can ask now is does it crash when you click Rebuild Terrain or Generate Layers? Because you seem to have mixed those two up in your description.
  12. That's cool :) As long as you're having fun doing it because that's all that matters
  13. Never played Farcry, probably should sometime, the YT videos always look fun. Does that mean it's going to be a tropical island or is that the wrong Farcry? :D
  14. Good to hear :) I'm pretty sure that what happened was: You imported the terrain for the first time You rebuilt the terrain on the Samplers tab (and generated sat and mask tiles probably) Then you refresh the terrain data from source and never rebuilt it. But if it works, it works Did you make the islands yourself or are they real-life ones? Anyway, they do look like they would offer some cool invasion-type gameplay :)
  15. There is no sense in messing with it since you specify the Lat - Lng coordinates in your config.cpp of your terrain and in order to have working roads, you need the 200.000 - 0 coordinates. Could you post a screenshot of your project as it is in TB right now? If the 'Rebuild terrain' went correctly, you should see a 'second' heightmap in the layers section on the righthand side, it's usually slightly indented. Also, hit OK after you've clicked the Rebuild Terrain button before trying to generate layers. And after you've clicked the Rebuild Terrain button, do NOT 'refresh content from source', that will probably remove the terrain TB rebuilt from your height-data at which point you'd have to Rebuild Terrain again :) You would use the 'refresh content from source' if you've made alterations to the terrain outside of TB.
  16. badluckburt

    Terrain Grass Glitch

    If you mean the 'wave'-effect, it's a parallax effect. Set Terrain Detail to Standard in Video settings to get rid of it. Your grass texture is rather blown up though, what texture cell size did you pick on the Samplers tab in TB? (Texture cell size is the one that should be close to 40x40m, it's in the same section as where you specify the overlap)
  17. I'm at work so I can't verify it but you appear to have Geo-location data in your heightmap.xyz. The WGS84 coordinates aren't supposed to be there. If you are exporting from L3DT, click Options on the Export layer window when you're exporting the heightmap. You can set a GeoRef-setting to false there.
  18. badluckburt

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I'm working on something that would make it possible to automate a large part of that process. I plan to unveil it sometime in the next few weeks so stay tuned :P
  19. badluckburt

    Sat-Image Cleanup

    And my personal favourite, shadows :butbut: This reminds me I need to get back to mine but I'm having too much fun coding atm :(
  20. If you have trouble finding which object is throwing the error (I don't think TB reports it anywhere), see if you can get the objects loaded in a binary way: Divide the list into two separate lists, see if they import. If one list does and the other doesn't, take the one that doesn't, split it again and try to load the resulting lists separately. Rinse and repeat until you find the bugger - then kill it with fire :P
  21. badluckburt

    How Long And How Much Work To Build Future New Engine?

    I think that the render / simulation processes have been separated as far as possible. There's an old article by Marek floating around that explains a few things about optimizations, I can't do a search for it right now but he also talks about the separating the render process from simulation in that.
  22. badluckburt

    Satellite Image Overlap Issue

    Very strange. I fired up TB again and took screenshots this time: http://imgur.com/a/737ha#0
  23. badluckburt

    Having trouble with clutter

    Don't mean to butt in and this probably isn't the issue but I don't think this is how that property is supposed to be named: [b]acesss[/b] = 2; Shouldn't it be: [b]access = 2;[/b] I checked my own files and I don't even have that property in there so I'm not sure what it does, just thought I'd mention it.
  24. badluckburt

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    By installing manually, I assume you mean downloading ExtractPBO by itself and running the install. The Mikero Update tool I mentioned can update whatever's needed automatically, just disregard this comment if you've already tried it but if you haven't, it's worth a shot. Apart from that, I'm out of ideas. You could make a ticket on dev heaven, I think that's the fastest way to get a response.
  25. badluckburt

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Have you tried using Mikero Update? It could be one of his DLLs need updating. You can find Mikero Update here: http://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files And are you sure you had the correct Visual C++ package?