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About predator2811

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  1. predator2811

    ARMA3 on Mac?

    I've decided to try Arma games again after about 10 year pause (last time I played the original game in app. 2002) and since I switched from Win to Mac meantime, I had to install bootcamp and windows specifically for it. It took me few hours to get everything working, but at the end, I was very pleasantly surprised - A3 Alpha runs very well at medium to high settings (custom settings - most high, some medium) and I really enjoy it :cool: And what especially surprises me, is that it is able to run with almost no free disk space - I made wrong guess when creating the bootcamp partition and assigned only 40 GB to it, which after installing win8 64bit and the a3 alpha shrunk to app. 1.5 GB of free space on disk. And yet - the game runs just fine with no hang ups! :) --------- MacBook Pro 15' i7 2.3 GHz 8 GB DDR3 Retina 2880 x 1800 GeForce GT 650M 1 GB SSD 250 GB