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Everything posted by Icarus1976

  1. Icarus1976

    Time x2.000, x4.000, x8.000, ...?

    Thanks so much guys! Exactly what I was looking for gammadust. You said it yourself. ;) EDIT: Ok, I downloaded it...now what do I do with it? :j: Just put it in ArmAs main directory? EDIT2: Nevermind, I got it working.
  2. Hey guys, not sure how to describe what I'm after here. My point is I'm trying to make a video with time passing faster than the possible x4.000. I'm trying to fit one hour into one minute. My video editor software only goes down to about 6 minutes for one hour of game time, which I recorded at x4.000 already. Does anybody know how to work around the x4.000 restriction of the game? Please, I'm so fascinated by these new clouds in ArmA3, I have to make this video. Btw, BIG kudos to the guys responsible for the awesomeness of these clouds! I've spent 4 hours just watching them pass by and build up and drinking a whole bottle of wine, while recording. I never got bored. As crazy as it may sound lol. I need to see a shrink. :j: I also noticed that even butterflies cast their own shadow. Unfortunately, the clouds don't but this was already mentioned somewhere else. Thanks in advance, Icarus1976
  3. Icarus1976

    Stratis 360°

    Where is the airbase!!? ;) j/k
  4. I've just downloaded all patches from 1.3 to 1.6 hotfix and installed them in the right order. Now when starting the game I also get this error of failed to compile pixelshader alpha something. It doesn't matter wether I start the game as admin or not. I have not bought the game via Steam either. It did work perfectly as version 1.2 So is there no one out there (BI staff) who knows how to fix this? I'm not saying thanks in advance since I'm the 3rd person to ask this question and nothing seems to have happend to solve this so far. I will say thanks once somebody has actually helped us. Later, Icarus1976 EDIT: After uninstalling the rearmed addon(?) it now works again. The version 1.06.97xxx is still active it seems.