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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Richie

    chernarus map improvement help.

    You could use the editor and do something like this :
  2. Richie

    MINIDAYZ Feedback Tracker

    I still can't get it to work, not fussed as it looks poop. I don't have AdBlock or anything similar
  3. Richie

    PWS is Frustrating

    PW6 is awesome ... when it works, most of the time it does but usually when it bugs, it bugs all night. Also it eats RAM like a fatty in a cake shop, remember to close it once you're in a game. Apart from that it's a great tool, I'll still use it and you just have to adjust to the snags :)
  4. Richie

    MINIDAYZ Feedback Tracker

    Doesn't work for me, I press 'Claim for free' on the BI store, I then get 'Congratulations! You have added MINIDAYZ to your inventory. ' and a link to play, pressing play takes me to https://dayz.com/minidayz, I then have the option to Play or Logout, pressing play tells me i don't own it 'Claim your free game on Store.bistudio.com.' and returns me to the BI Store :386:
  5. Richie

    New Chernarus Perspective?

    4 hrs left :confused: I'm going to guess it's a mobile/tablet game for iOS/Adroid but i really hope not, please be A3 content.
  6. Panthera and Lingor were always my favorite islands :)
  7. Really stunning screens Meshcarver, that last one would make a lovely wallpaper for my desktop :cool:
  8. Richie

    AlienZ Mod

    Exellent work IceBreakr :)
  9. Richie

    wrong version, I can't update.

    You need the game all updated and launch both A2 and OA before you can play. I've never had to install multiple game updates, Install and then grab the 1.62 update :) Contact the BI store, they have to point you in the right direction if they are selling an outdated version.
  10. Richie

    wrong version, I can't update.

    The 1.62 game update can be found Here However this is for non Steam version, I have mine on disc but you say yours is a download, It might not be the correct update.
  11. The =BTC= Revive script has what you want :) It can be found here > http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18955 Any vehicle can be the MHQ and any object can be used to teleport you from point A to the mobile HQ
  12. If you have a link to the addon i'll have a look :) Mission files go in the MPMission directory and addons go in the Arma 3 root directory, there are other ways to do it though. It's also worth having a look at armaholics website for a list of similer addons/missions to see if it includes better documentation that will help you learn more. Armaholic website > http://www.armaholic.com/index.php
  13. Richie

    [AhoyWorld.co.uk] co40 AW Invade & Annex

    Just add the rearm bays yourself :) That's what we did. Rarek makes an exellent mission but some things we wanted to change, what works for one clan might not on another.
  14. I have my config.cfg file inside my Arma 3 root but i don't have an RPT file, I'm using the latest Dev build as well. Any pointers would be nice :)
  15. The BI store says you only need a Steam account to activate it, If you have already activated it then how can Steam block it ? What's the point in buying from BI ? It technically makes them a reseller of their own product. I hate Steam and have always bought games on disc for this very reason, Arma 3 is my only steam purchase and should my internet fail i always have my discs to play SP.
  16. I've always wondered what that means, only started seeing it on the last Dev update.
  17. Put the @Mod_Name in the Arma 3 root folder and change your launch parameters to suit :) start arma3server.exe -nosplash -port=2302 -config=cfg\config.cfg -world=Stratis -mod=@Mod_Name
  18. Richie

    AI accuracy fix

    Thanks for the feedback and we'll look into tweaking them again :) Our server is usually full so we opted for the harder but less enemy approach rather than loads of dumb AI ... It's tricky getting the right balance. We've been more focused on changing the rest of the scenario like adding a 4th helicopter, mobile HQs, forward operating bases etc Should we continue this via PM or better yet join our forum ? Just so we don't hijack GraveDancers thread.
  19. Richie

    arma 3 zoombies

    They charge hosting companies money to be official partners and only those official partners can host Dayz Origin servers, these so called partners then rent game servers to the general public and make profit. Zoombies will be released free and the team behind it don't even accept donations. Yet people are bashing Zoombies ? :confused:
  20. Richie

    [AhoyWorld.co.uk] co40 AW Invade & Annex

    You sure you got the right website address ? :confused: I've been registered and active on http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk since March 26th and never recieved a single email from them :) There are no adverts or any rules forcing you to be active/donate etc It's a well run community and active with new posts each hour, Rarek always listens to criticism, feedback and ideas from the community. Also what's wrong with this > AW Invade & Annex Co-40 [ALPHA]
  21. Richie

    Car sounds annoying

    The quad bikes make an annoying noise with the revs but the rest are ok or i can live with them :)
  22. Richie

    arma 3 zoombies

    I'll buy the standalone but i'll also play Zoombies and Arma 3 :) I like choice and wasteland isn't enough for me. Pointless bashing something because some don't like it, play what you enjoy and everyone likes different things, if it fails then people won't play it.
  23. Richie

    arma 3 zoombies

    I agree with what you say and you speak the truth :) but that is what Arma is all about, Arma is a framework that gives you the power to create new missions and mods for people to play. Me personally i don't like wasteland but jeez have you seen how many wasteland servers are online and being played ? people like it and while it's popular it'll stay. The community decide what is popular and what isn't, you can't hate people because they enjoy something you don't.
  24. Richie

    arma 3 zoombies

    It's just a mod :) same as all the other missions that the community have released, I fail to see a problem. Yes, most people here hate Dayz but not everyone does, each to their own.
  25. Richie

    AI accuracy fix

    Do you mean Rarek from Ahoy World ? We're running that with a few changes including AI behaviour scripts. Have a look at Zeu_serverskill > http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20002 Use it with TPWCAS > http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19467 Both of them work great together :) AI can be as smart or as dumb as you want with some randomness to it, Suppression works really well and causes the AI to flee or hide when shot at, change the default settings to suit your needs. For example in tpwcas_init.sqf you can change it so the AI react to 1 shot rather than needing 5 fired at them to react. Have a try on our server and you can see the difference, AI can be nasty, sneaky little shits :p