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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Richie

    Mask image and layers

    The limit is per cell, so with a 10 meter cell you can't have more than 6 surfaces in that 10 meter area.
  2. Richie

    Installation packs problems

    It's all Steam now, grab all updates, installation files and everything else from there.
  3. MapBuilder or m3editor, both are addon though.
  4. You have nothing to be sorry for :) you guys provide a great resource out of your own pockets and free time, issues will happen, when it does then we just have to be patient.
  5. Not many would, what an awesome thing to do :)
  6. Richie

    Need help to get server

    With a VPS you know what you're getting, with a shared host you're at the mercy of the other users, they start throwing waves of Ai and the whole server nose dives.
  7. Richie

    Need help to get server

    VPS so you have total control but if you're unfamilier with setting up servers, maybe the GSP would suit you better. How confident are you ?
  8. Richie

    Terrain builder road issues

    PM me your Skype name and i'll add you :)
  9. Richie

    Terrain builder road issues

    You need the editor.sqs file inside a folder called scripts, put that in your P drive with the following text : ~.1 result = buldozer_LoadNewRoads "P:/Your_Tag/Your_Terrain/data/roads/"; Then make sure when you export the shapes file you call it roads.shp Sorry OP i couldn't help you but i could help GotDead :) P.S - You guys should join the terrain builders skype ground, it's a wealth of information from terrain veterans to newbies, all doing the same thing and all helping each other.
  10. Looks lovely, very nice work :) Love the custom buildings as well.
  11. Looks awesome, great work as always.
  12. This is now resolved, thank you Tom, BI gurus and of course the Tartan Taskforce
  13. Hey all, Does anyone know how i can fix a satellite overlap issue ? I can't get TB to generate layers unless i accept 128px overlap or give it the wrong resolution for my sat/mask Obviously with 128px it looks crap, see screen shot > http://i.imgur.com/LufQ9Ff.jpg My map is 2048 with a cell size of 10 meters = 20,480 So my satellite, mask and normals are also 20480x20480, should be correct yes ? The only way i can do it is by changing the Satellite/Mask from 20480 @ 1m/px to 2048 @ 10m/px With using the wrong values my satellite looks crap, all the fine detail is gone :( to me the values are the same so why does the wrong res work :confused: This is what i want but look at the overlap > http://i.imgur.com/LzYbFPp.png This is what i'm forced to have > http://i.imgur.com/OWbZZ6n.png
  14. Richie

    State of arma 3 tools - july 2015

    For a normal terrain i would but a sat @ 57,344x57,344 in .bmp would be massive, using .png was a nicer file size and i left it over night, good tip though, thanks :)
  15. Richie

    State of arma 3 tools - july 2015

    It took a long long time (14hrs) to import but i just added a 57,344x57,344 sat.png in 1 go :) http://i.imgur.com/cP7uckP.png So 40,960 should be possible, i see no reason why not if bigger works.
  16. Richie

    State of arma 3 tools - july 2015

    Tartan bug was sort of fixed in 1.46, some terrain sizes had issues, reports are that this is now totally fixed in the current dev build :) so in 1.48 it should be fixed for all. Terrain builder i've not had any issues with, next update will allow you to use settings you want and not get the misleading 'Satellite does not exist' error, BD i rarely use and only for checking roads link correctly, I use Neos MapBuilder for all my object placement. The rest i either don't use or haven't tried.
  17. The server you play on can have a huge impact on client side FPS, more Ai = less frames unless wrote properly with cleanup scripts and optimized. One thing that did work for me was GeForce Experience, Arma 3 is a supported game and letting it choose the settings gave me an extra 10-15 frames, worth a try and 1 click will revert the settings back :)
  18. Very pleasing on the eyes, awesome job and congrats on the release :)
  19. Place the a3.bikey in your servers key folder, then restart it :)
  20. You have quite a few errors in the RPT log, try fixing them and see if that helps you, for the reason you're kicked you want the client side RPT but start here first : 23:59:02 Error in expression <ffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 2500];SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>23:59:02 Error position: <SUPER_PPEffect ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.>23:59:02 Error Undefined variable in expression: super_ppeffect23:59:02 File SUPER_flash\init.sqf, line 2 23:59:29 Error in expression < "%UNIT_NAME", []];serv_sv_use = [];fed_bank setVariable["safe",(count playa>23:59:29 Error position: <fed_bank setVariable["safe",(count playa>23:59:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: fed_bank23:59:29 File life_server\init.sqf, line 60 0:00:33 Warning: Wrong data in squad.xml for Player[Ahmed Yassin], Squad[http://www.dtclan.co.uk/squads/21874206/squad.xml] 0:24:19 Mission BeingWorkedOn.Australia: Number of roles (99) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (20)
  21. Richie

    BI has just lost a customer

    BE bans are never instant, it's detected instantly but left so that if you use multiple cheats you never know what one caused the ban.
  22. Richie

    BI has just lost a customer

    So an anti-cheat program found a cheat engine you have installed and banned you, isn't that what BE is designed to do ? :p
  23. Richie

    Do I have the supporter edition?

    I don't, none of mine ever work, pretty sure i was meant to have one for voting in the ManW comp, not really fussed. I also don't mind buying expansions, BI are a company i don't mind supporting, now if it was EA things would be different.
  24. Switch the building ID on, it's one of the options on the top of the editor, pretty sure it actully has ID on it.