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About greysteele

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  1. greysteele


    Whenever I try to get into a helicopter it says that i must be a major, or a higher rank than what I am. How do I check what rank I am?
  2. This is the first Arma game that I have played. I know I do not have the best aim when it comes to shooting and tactics, however I was running across an open field and got one-shot-killed by an AI. This is not the first time for me that an AI has done amazing stuff like this. I was wondering if the AI's are supposed to have such impeccable accuracy with any gun.
  3. I was doing a team death match, when I looked back to see where we were being shot at from, and noticed that the gunner in a land vehicle appeared to be unconcious. I have heard about this glitch before but have not seen a resolution.