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About GuyMz

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I want to diable this feautre for all playable units. i've read that puting "this disableai autotarget" in the unit init might do the trick, is that right??
  2. do you still get it to work?? cause when he reach the postion im getting a no entry on the democharge_remote_mag. anyone know another way or can confirm that it's still working and not outdated.
  3. Im trying to make a SWAT mission which there are some civllians that was taking hostage. i need them to be lie down and dont move no matter what. First of all, the setunitpos is only effective on OPFOR AND BLUFOR, civllians wont lay down with this command. so i decided to use BLUFOR soldies that was stripped down from any equipment and was giving civllian clothing. but when i take their weapon from them they start to run away from their captures even when give them a scripted careless waypoint. any ideas??
  4. is there any script that cancel those square markers?? i know i can make them not the same squad, but i need them to be to operate the tasks and triggeres and a lot more things that require the players to be on the same squad.
  5. GuyMz

    Teleport Script

    thank you very much all
  6. GuyMz

    Teleport Script

    Im sorry, but Im not really familliar with arma scripts, so i didnt understand how to do with the onmapsingleclick, and i tired to use the addaction way, but it didnt work, could you please explain and wirte the script lines. thank you.
  7. GuyMz

    Teleport Script

    they are all outdated. I've decided that instead of telporting, which is a real pain in the ***, i can make some respawn location and people could choose where to spawn, this should be easier to make. so i tried making a many respawn markers for one side using prefix such a s respawn_west1, respawn_west2, but they randomly respawning in them, how can i choose where to spawn via the map??
  8. Hello, Im trying to make a tutorial which expanding most of the map, and i need a quick way to travel from certian areas to another. I need a teleport script which will teleport to a certian marker on map, and can be activated by either a useraction or by clicking the marker on the map. If someone can please address me to the script himself in BI that would be also very helpful.
  9. thank you so much, that was really helpful. can you help me with something else? im making a tutorial about navigation for my clan, and i want them not to be able to see themselfes on the map as blue dots, how can i make that happen??
  10. thank you, got it to work, can someone please tell me the script name of the MISSION NAME(the box about the image place) and the box under the image place. i think that the lower box is onloadmission but im not sure could someone verify this.
  11. Im trying to add a image to the Loading Screen, Can Some one please teach me how?
  12. I cant get it to wok killzone, do i need to write it in the description.ext file or in the init of an AI?
  13. What do i need to write in the init of the enemy forces in order them to attack only the player/playable soldies? i know it is something about naming the players and write something in the init which will say attack only those names. thank you. P.S: I saw today in a mission which you can save your current loadout and the next time you spawn you spawn with this loadout. can anyone please give me the script for that.
  14. Tried several stuff with this init.file, but nothing seem to work, I've tried putting on a spawn point, tried adding something to my intro using the description file, but for some reason the game just dont recognize this file, although if i write something worng in the description file (lets say i forgot adding a " to the respawn command) the game crashes. so i have no idea what to do.