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Everything posted by Sarlac

  1. In reality these two islands are really not "that" far apart. Considering the fact that they have scaled down the islands a bit, I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to scale down the distance between the two somewhat as well. I would not mind a 5 minute flight from one to the other. I would love a reason to set sail in a speedboat and lose visual of land for a while. At the very least I hope there are more off shore islands further out than a man should consider swimming.
  2. Nothing you can do. They want to fuck with you. They are doing so. They won. All they are really doing is running scripts on the server. Just remember this is a game in development and anti cheat software is not yet implemented. It will be eventually. All you can do is wait.
  3. Sarlac

    Flying Helicopters

    I use a ps3 controller and have button mapping and sensitivity adjustment. Why don't you?
  4. Sarlac

    [REQUEST] More control over your squad

    #vote kick username
  5. Sarlac

    Xbox Controller Better Mapping

    Using a ps3 controller here. I had no trouble mapping what I wanted where I wanted it. Does the 360 pad not issue direct axis inputs from the sticks?
  6. Sarlac

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    I would be happy to share my controller setup but I don't particularly want to type it all out. I'm sarlac on steam too so if you add me I can walk you through it and help with learning to fly too. Send me a steam message about this and we can get to it.
  7. You'll need an external application to display fps like fraps or Msi afterburner
  8. Sarlac

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    I've got a ps3 controller hooked up for driving and flying. Works for me...
  9. Nvidias adaptive vsync is working really well for me.
  10. Sarlac

    No ammo for blue marksman!

    Also with this change they need to change his default load out so that when you go to an ammo box and hit "rearm at" he grabs the correct mags. I don't know if this is the same problem.
  11. Sarlac

    Starting off

    Make note of any issues you find and search the issue tracker. If you don't find a similar issue please report it in as much detail as possible. Be sure to follow the guidelines on bug reports. Also dig into the issue tracker and vote up any issues you've found that have already been reported so they will be sure to get dev attention. I'll be on most mornings for a few hours and would love to get into some random crap with anyone interested, so add me on steam if you want. I can help with stuff if you need. I'm "sarlac" in steam too.
  12. Sarlac

    Can I order my team to use laser sight?

    I was going on my experience forcing flashlights on. Glad you got it working!
  13. Sarlac

    Place to post Bug/glitch video's?

    Post all bug reports here http://feedback.arma3.com/ But that video is not a bug report.
  14. Sarlac

    Autobalance Script

    This is something mission builders would need to implement.
  15. I'm a fan of starting my missions with weapons unloaded. This is easy to accomplish by manipulation of item order in the units init field. It allows you to have a safe weapon until entering a hot area.
  16. Sarlac

    Can I order my team to use laser sight?

    In editor for each unit you can force them on but they will be on for the entire mission. Currently they ignore the command for light on/off that you issue via the 6 menu. Use this command in each units init field this enableGunLights "forceon";
  17. Sarlac

    the dark light ... cars and others

    I created a night mission and forced AI to use flashlights. It sucks that their flashlights are so dim compared to my own. Also having my light work through walls is a bit immersion defeating.
  18. Sarlac

    Problems of RCO/ACRO sights.

    This explains it perfectly. Read up boys and girls. http://chemicaldragon.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/TA31F_ACOG_TRAINING.344110115.ppt
  19. I've noticed this too. Is there a bug report active on this issue?
  20. Sarlac

    Alpha testing procedures

    While you have a good plan there, I think they are hoping for more random reports of things they haven't thought of. 1000's of people randomly doing their own thing are likely to discover and report issues the dev team never even would have looked for.
  21. Sarlac

    Inverted controls for Piloting

    No problem. Dig into the options menus. There's lots of stuff to tweak!
  22. Sarlac

    Physics in multiplayer

    This is a great question. Lets test it.
  23. Sarlac

    PhysX processer

    This is the deadest horse in town. Can we stop beating it now?
  24. Ok, call me crazy, but my favorite part of this list is fireflies!