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Everything posted by pupu

  1. Lot of time looking for an answer and couldnt find anything, all I want is create a server to play with 2-3 friends, standard missions as self created mission.
  2. so I've readed this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137057-ArmA-2-OA-and-Combined-Operations-quot-Bad-serial-number-given-in-Setup-quot-another-prob&highlight=file+failed+validate and the answer sent me here, but here all I see is about bad serial not the "1 file has failed to validate and will be reacquired " issue , how solve that ?
  3. pupu

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I need help to zeroing sniper with wind. 1st all table change and now I have paper one (?) anyway after watching lot of youtube vids I cant understand how deal with it. can help me please ?
  4. so, as title said, I need help to zeroing sniper with wind. 1st all table change and now I have paper one (?) anyway after watching lot of youtube vids I cant understand how deal with it. can help me please ?