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About Spider

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  1. Spider

    Israel General

    Agreed. To me, the West Bank and Gaza are bantustans inside Israel's borders, and Hamas is just another insurgency using the tactics of terrorism and guerilla warfare. Israel's problem is that refuses to counter it by making sure Palestinians get humane treatment and legal justice. Right now they are stuck since Israel treats them as foreigners but won't let them have an independent state. Thus they have been subject to martial law, loss of property, and collective punishment. Not to mention that parts of their own leadership (Abbas) seem to have been bought off. That's a recipe for trouble. At this point Israel needs to make the annexation official and give Palestinians the protection of full citizenship. "Demographic threats" be damned. Then the truth-and-reconciliation commissions and war-crimes trials can begin. That the only way to finish Hamas.
  2. Spider

    Is Arma 3 a reasonable replacement for Arma 2?

    As I see it, animations for changing stance, side-stepping, stepping-off, and turning are the same no matter if they're for an un-fatigued civilian walking around or a tired soldier carrying a rifle + an ATGM launcher. So it not's about how fast someone can move but how often they would do it. In A2 these were kept slow to better simulate when your character is (a) weighed down or (b) not trying to move as fast as possible. Now in A3 animations are always fast, twitchy and lacking any inertia. What we need is an animation system that is controlled by fatigue, encumbrance, suppression, and inertia. A3 is no closer to that than A2 was.
  3. Spider

    Is Arma 3 a reasonable replacement for Arma 2?

    (1) With Smookie's A2 animation mod (and even better, Mao's lite version) you can duck down from standing and crouching positions. Plus it has a low sitting position that is way more natural than the A3 equivalent, the high prone. The A3 stances are unrealistic because you can stay in them indefinitely. In the real world, those high/low crouch positions are uncomfortable and very tiring. I doubt it's any easier while carrying extra weight and aiming a rifle. (2) If you watch A3 characters moving, they look like robots able to change stance, direction, and speed almost instantaneously. that shows what I mean. People say that it 'feels' natural in 1st-person, but that can't be objectively true. Arma is one of the few games with true-first-person (TFP) perspective, so what you see in 1st-person is what is happening. If your character is moving with superhuman ability, your sense of realistic movement must be off. That and BIS obviously butchered the animations so the A3 TFP could look more 'fluid' like Battlefield. To put it another way, see how much ? They move like people carrying heavy equipment while avoiding over-exertion. More importantly they don't act as if always perfectly well-rested. That's what the A2 TFP shows you. BIS could have tweaked the settings and sped up a few transitions, but they got it more-or-less right. If that feels extremely clunky, I think that's your problem. Not trying to be mean about it, that's just my opinion.
  4. Will my system give me 25-30 fps in SP? I only need ~2k view distance on medium settings, with PPAA. Phenom II x4 965 8 GB DDR3-1600 HD 7790 1 GB 1680x1050 resolution
  5. In Arma2, using the "raise weapon" key when crouched forces your character to stand. Does this still happen in Arma3?
  6. Spider

    Napf Island beta

    This is an amazing map. Can't thank you enough for making it.
  7. Spider

    Left Handed players, UNITE!!!

    On my lefty mouse, LMB is fire, MMB is reload, RMB is optics, Hold-RMB is just hold breath. For the side buttons MB5 is freelook and MB4 is default action. On the keyboard I rebound everything and use YGHJ instead of WASD. Setting up ACE keys was a nightmare. I also moved all ACRE controls to the numpad. Here are the basics: F - Up (toggle crouch/stand) M - Go Prone T - Lean left U - Lean right 2xY - FForward K - Toggle fast/walk B - Step over L - Optics mode I - Toggle weapon Space - PTT
  8. Spider

    Will Arma 3 replace Arma 2?

    This is why I won't buy A3. (Well that and the fact that BIS got rid of mouse acceleration.) Just watching gameplay videos has convinced me it's stupidly unrealistic and immersion-breaking. Everyone raves about how "fluid" close combat is in A3, but it just looks like dumbed-down, generic FPS movement. Even groups like Shacktactical can't make it look good.
  9. Spider

    Ukraine General

    What matters is if he plans on taking only Crimea right now. Then again, I'm just hoping he'll know to stop before things get out of control. Plus I don't think anyone but Putin knows what his "final" goal really is.
  10. Spider

    Ukraine General

    Even if the official Ukraine forces don't engage Russian forces, what happens if the far-right groups do? They seem willing to provoke all-out war.