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About WonderWaffles

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    Private First Class


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    Meh. Why bother

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  1. WonderWaffles

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Irrelevant, but Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a great one that comes to mind. Let's get back on topic shall we!
  2. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    you guys are weird
  3. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    But you aren't one of the lucky ones
  4. WonderWaffles

    What is Alpha and What should I Expect

    Probably expecting too much, too early. I was like you a while ago. I was thinking "Why am I playing this? This is boring(4 showcases). I should be playing Natural Selection 2 or Assassins Creed III (need to finish those btw). But then I learnt the mission editor and it's ways. I can tell you right now it's my favourite game! My personal favourite - spawning 18 opfor's and seeing how many I can take before dieing!
  5. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    Well, i feel bad for you guys. You're missing out!
  6. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    I use a program called fraps. I've paid for it as well. Try someone else next time
  7. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    Does it matter that I have a i5 3550 with a GTX 560 Ti? Is there something special about those?
  8. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    I just did. That was the only thing I changed
  9. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    I definitely hope that they make it GPU based because after all, PhysX is meant for the GPU
  10. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    Theory or actual source?
  11. WonderWaffles

    Vegetation Texture Pop-Ups Still Ugly

    This happened in battlefield 3 with the shadows as well. The shadows would become jagged, then slowly becomes smooth. Assassins Creed 3 does this really well. You can barely even tell
  12. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    With my set-up (i5-3550 3.3 GHz + GTX 560 Ti with 1920x1080) it had a major increase
  13. WonderWaffles

    PhysX processer

    To all those with NVIDIA video cards only This will show you how to change your PhysX processor (This gave me a 20-30 FPS increase!!!) 1. Go into your NVIDIA control panel (Right click on desktop) 2. On the left will be a link called PhysX configuration 3. Select your GPU from the drop-down list This gave me a 20-30 FPS increase in ArmA III. I have not tried the performance with other PhysX games so it might be different
  14. WonderWaffles

    Vegetation Texture Pop-Ups Still Ugly

    +1 this. I tried to fix this in options menu to no avail
  15. WonderWaffles

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    Have you guys had an iPhone or an iPod before? They have the exact same thing in the App Store, e.g Fruit Ninja Lite. You can only chop up to 100 fruits and there is no multi-player. Be thankful it's not like Nintendo where you only have a limited amount of launches!