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About Dean

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  1. Dean

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    Here are some pictures I took in a rather serious and intense session of the alpha. Click on them for larger resolutions. I feel like the first one will make a perfect desktop wallpaper for you fellows.
  2. Dean

    [HMM] Stance Indicator

    Maybe not the combat stance indicator, but the speed is what usually gets me.
  3. A buddy of mine mentioned this idea and I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Adjusting stances has made Arma 3 a lot more realistic. If you want to avoid fire, you duck your head, right? If you've ever seen a movie with someone driving a car and someone is firing at them, what do they do? They duck their head down into the steering wheel to make a smaller target. I absolutely think this should be eventually implemented in the game. I'm not sure how many stances would be necessary. I think two is enough; regular stance, and adjust key + down to lower your head into the wheel. The advantage would be that you're a smaller target, and the obvious disadvantage being that you can't see the road as well. The only issue I can think of this would be third person view. Would people take advantage of it and constantly be in the lower stance to be a smaller target, but then drive in third person mode to see the road just as well? The solution to this could be to only be able to lower your stance in first person view, but then you're limiting your gameplay. It's a tricky situation. What do you guys think?
  4. Dean

    [HMM] Stance Indicator

    This is so helpful. However, I'd really like an indicator for the combat stance and speed as well. Would you be able to add that? I was thinking a little spot beside the stance indicator. One arrow to the left to indicate walking, two arrows to indicate jogging, three arrows to indicate sprinting, and maybe a little icon of a gun pointing sideways if you're in combat stance or the little gun pointing down if you're not in combat stance. The speed/combat stance is what confuses me more than the stance, so I'd love to see it.