So I am having a pretty strange issue. Our guild has a dedicated ARMA 3 server running EVO. For both version 1.3 and 1.4 I am having the following issues:
1) I attempt to connect to the player list, I can see the various classes available as well as my guild members and the positions they've taken. After about 5 seconds this disappears and I can no longer select a class, my only option is to disconnect and reconnect, same issue.
2) When I do finally connect the server forces me to download the entire file every time. This download takes upwards of 45 minutes for v1.3 and about 30 for v1.4. I have downloaded each of those directly from the Arma3 forums, whenever I connect to another, any, other server running EVO I instantly enter.
3) When I finally do enter, has only happened once in the last 18 hours of trying, I suffer from massive lag.
I attempted the following:
1) Uninstall and reinstall Steam and Arma 3.
2) NOT using Dev build
3) Disabled any and all mods, ensured v-sync was off, etc
4) Run speed tests, ping servers near our dedicated server, and our server itself Speed test is giving 30down and 5up. Ping to our server in 34ms average.
5) Rebooted PC, restarted modem, have had our dedicated server rebooted.
Again I can connect to any other server with no problems. I've run this thru several guildmates and we are all at a loss. I'd really appreciate any sort of guidance here, thanks guys!