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Posts posted by brad7

  1. Hi kiory,

    This was the first time i was making sense out of oxygen and finally getting to understand the basics, at first it worked but when i further devolped the pack i had this error [link below] was wondering if you knew how to fix it.

    Cheers brad

  2. Currently editing one of my missions and i have come to a dead end if anybody could help it would be great. I have a Civ in an compound area with about 10 Opfor troops and i have set him a hold waypoint in the compound sync'd to not present trigger and the second waypoint to join buefor synced to a radio trigger but as soon as the mission starts the civ just legs it away. Any suggestions?

    [removed all waypoints/ect for the civ and he still runs off]

  3. Need some help on porting the chinhook into Arma 3. Its a custom chinhook as i could not find the Official one and everythings working fine except to door gunners. They are M240's and they are missing texture and overall functionality so if somebody could help me fix this it would be great.[The M240's have been ported from arma2]
