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Everything posted by Redhotita1

  1. Redhotita1

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    Bohemia, are drunk or what? I mean, a 150mm Cannon versus a 20mm tubular chassis... i don't know how much is usefull...
  2. Redhotita1

    Multiplayer not working anymore

    Tried to search, but didn't solved... i wouldn't post here :P Anyway still the problem if i open steam it will make impossible to use the keyboard... any solution? (I didn't searched tho)
  3. Redhotita1

    Multiplayer not working anymore

    I got the same problem, i can play normally but my chat disappears after the briefing, when i start playing i can't see it anymore, while others can see what i type, it's pretty boring alt tab everytime cause of steam messing up ArmA 3 for the ingame chat of steam. I got the 0.77.1 I have this problem since months but, i rarely play MP cause of every server is Wasteland, so i don't really need it, but i noticed in editor if i make a script about chatting it won't show up. P.S. Sorry for the offtopic, but i can't post new threads.