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Everything posted by josephff

  1. the init didnt work at all, ill go with turning the guards for now
  2. im having the issue of delay. If i have OpFor units guarding me, they detect me before the code runs. Should i run this in the init file maybe?
  3. that works; why does it work with distance away from spawn but not outside of a trigger?
  4. im trying to get this to work for me. I have entered the code(s). It seems to go into captive mode fine, i dont get shot. However, i cannot get it to get out of captive mode once outside the target area. I have tried setting the DEA using the same code but reversed setcaptive lines. oldList = oldList - thisList; {_x setCaptive true} forEach oldList; {_x setCaptive false} forEach thisList; oldList = thisList; Ive also tried basic as in the ACT p1 setcaptive true; hint "on"; DEA p1 setcaptive false; hint "off"; when i am in the trigger then hint says, off,on,off,on,off,on but i can never get any combo to work.