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About rooster

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  1. Hi, I am trying to write my first serious script in ARMA. But I can't get it to work. So here is the problem to be solved: I want all players in a multiplayergame to respawn. All "real" players (no AI and no playable units). I'm just focussing on BLUFOR site here. A dead player should respawn at the location of the other alive players. And if noone is alive, all should respawn at the base. My approach: Every "real" player gets an Empty marker attached to his/her position. The name is respawn_westx (x is a consecutive number, e.g. player01 has the marker respawn_west01). By this way, a number of possible respawn points is set. In the description.ext: respawn = "BASE"; respawndelay = "45"; My respawn.sqf: //set private variables private ["_mpcount", "_base_x", "_base_y", "_mpnames", "_currentplayer", "_i", "_markername", "_markerstr"]; //number of real players (not AI) _mpcount = 6; //base coordinates _base_x = 3285; _base_y = 2928; //get playable unit objects for [{_i=0}, {_i<_mpcount}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _currentplayer = _this select _i; _mpnames = _mpnames + [_currentplayer]; }; //while player is initialized while {not isnull player} do { //put all real (not AI) and alive players in an array for [{_i=0}, {_i<_mpcount}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _currentplayer = _mpnames select _i; if (isPlayer _currentplayer && alive _currentplayer) then { _markername = format ["respawn_west%1", _i]; _markerstr = createMarker [_markername, [1,1]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markername setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _markername setmarkerpos getpos _currentplayer; }; }; //place respawn_westBASE if no player is alive if (count _mp == 0) then { _markerstr = createMarker ["respawn_westBASE", [1,1]]; _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON"; _markername setMarkerType "b_air"; _markername setmarkerpos [_base_x,_base_y]; }; sleep 1; }; I've set the marker to something visible, to see what happens. But the problem is, nothing happens. There are also no errors displayed in the arma3.rpt...! So please help: Where is my error in reasoning and how can I get this to work? Greetings rooster