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About Heckman15th

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  1. Heckman15th

    6.5 mm and recoil management in game

    I read through this entire thread and though I have frequented these forums for quite some time I was compelled to reply to this thread. My issue with ARMA 3's recoil isn't even the recoil. Most shooters know that when you fire a weapon (single shot not full auto) there is always recoil. The shooter regains his sight picture not by pulling the weapon down but by allowing it to fall down via gravity. It's up to the shooter, via muscle memory, to stop the rifles decent. Check out ARMA 2 with ACE mod and fire the M14. It kicks hard but the gravity is simulated by your sight picture falling just short of your original spot. Then you adjust with the mouse. Now fire the EBR in ARMA 3. Its kicks just the same but just floats in air not effect by the force of gravity. You can keep the kick just let the rifle fall to relatively the same position like it was in ARMA 2 with ACE2. If you felt like the correction was to severe that is debatable but it still NEEDS to be there even if toned down. Oh yeah if you fire off rounds in game and say its there that is actually weapon sway. Keep firing single shots and on some the weapon will sway up making recoil seem even worse. As for MG's... They are just plain awful. At 300m a modern day M249 or the higher caliber M240 can saw a target in half from the prone position going full auto. No bursts. There is ZERO muzzle climb for two reasons. One the weight of the gun pushes down and two the energy goes into the shoulder and is evenly dispersed throughout the soldiers body. It would be very silly to see an MG just lift off the ground. I think they should make the current prone recoil model the kneeling one and the kneeling one the standing one and throw the current standing numbers into the trash because NOTHING kicks that much. I understand what people are saying and I get that this might make PVP gameplay more compelling but staying alive in PVP should be about cover, concealment, defilade, and tactics. TL;DR Shooting in ARMA 3 is harder then it is in real life. I think some tweaking should be done.