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Everything posted by Xantam

  1. Hi everyone ! I'm creating my first coop mission for 3 players. So far, everything works fine in Preview Mode (Editor). I exported the mission to "multiplayer missions". I created an empty object (Cargo Box), added an action on it with addAction. In Preview Mode, it gives weapons and stuff to the player who activates (according to his NAME on the EDIT UNIT section). this hideObject true; this addAction ["Récupérer votre équipement","recupGear.sqf",[],6,true,true,"","(_target distance _this)<3"] This is what i wrote in the INIT section of the Cargo Box (and it works just fine). When i try to use this action on LAN or INTERNET, i can see the action in the scroll menu but the .sqf does nothing. Arma 3 does not show any error (i use -showScriptErrors). My first thought was "Ok, maybe the .sqf path is wrong" but in MPMissions, everything is exported as a .pbo file so the path had to be right. I'm new at this (obviously) and i could use some help to understand. Thanks ! :)
  2. Yes indeed, sorry about that, i edited.