I know something somewhat similar to this has been posted before but I couldn't find anything that was specifically like what I need, and I don't know enough scripting to build on it and improve yet.
I'm making a mission where players are hunting down an escaped POW and he has a tracking device on him. I'm trying to make a script that will add a large vague radius marker on the map that updates every 2 minutes so that the hunters have a rough idea of where the POW was seen last, but I also want a 3 minute delay before it initially kicks in so that the POW has a "headstart". If someone could please help with the ground work I can do the fine tuning no problem.
Edit: I managed to get something that works with a little more digging around. Here is what I have for someone else who needs the same thing. If you want to delay the script use the countdown timer on the left of the trigger activation.
_unit = _this select 0;
_marker = _this select 1;
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorPurple";
while{alive _unit}do{
_marker setMarkerPos (getPos _unit);
sleep 120.0;
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorPurple"
you can call it with:
[unit,"markername"] execVM "script.sqf"
but you'll need to put some dummy script call in the front of it like this
dummy = [unit,"markername"] execVM "script.sqf"