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About fleamo

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  1. I've compiled everything into one trigger now. This works: hint "Active"; pilotGroup = createGroup west; helo1 = createVehicle ["O_Ka60_F",getMarkerPos "heloSpawn", [], 0, "FLY"]; helo1 engineOn true; helo1 flyInHeight 20; "B_Helipilot_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "heloSpawn", pilotGroup,"pilot1 = this"]; pilot1 assignAsDriver helo1; pilot1 moveInDriver helo1; Units need to be added to an existing group, which is annoying. So, I also had to initialize a group.
  2. UPDATE: This works! hint "Active"; pilotGroup = createGroup west; helo1 = createVehicle ["O_Ka60_F",getMarkerPos "heloSpawn", [], 0, "FLY"]; helo1 engineOn true; helo1 flyInHeight 20; "B_Helipilot_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "heloSpawn", pilotGroup,"pilot1 = this"]; pilot1 assignAsDriver helo1; pilot1 moveInDriver helo1; Original post below: I've got two triggers set up. One spawns a helo pilot (pilot1) and a chopper (helo1) The second does this on activation: hint "Move the pilot into the chopper"; pilot1 assignAsDriver helo1; pilot1 moveInDriver helo1; But it doesn't seem to work. I've tried a bunch of things, including using Action get in as driver. I can't even get him into the helo as cargo. This should be simple. What am I doing wrong? ---------- Post added at 23:32 ---------- Previous post was at 23:21 ---------- Just occurred to me that I could be spawning the pilot incorrectly. I mean, he spawns, but... pilot1 = "B_Helipilot_F" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "pilotSpawn"); helo1 = "O_Ka60_F" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "heloSpawn"); Does it matter if I spawn him as a vehicle? I tried createUnit, but couldn't get it to work.