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Everything posted by johnflenaly

  1. So need some help. I have a custom loadout script for every unit in my mission. Example: In the editor in the units init line I've placed this. Now the script is suppose to spawn the unit in with the above loadout. Also upon respawn, it should spawn in with the above loadout. Doesn't matter how many mags you use or what you pick up, I want the player to spawn with the above loadout. After testing on a live server I've found that a non-JIP player has no problems. Spawns with the correct loadout, also respawns with the correct loadout. After testing with JIPs though, the player initial spawned in with some of the above loadout, and after respawning seems to have defaulted back to the default unit loadout. Any ideas what is going wrong?
  2. johnflenaly

    Custom Loadout Script - JIP help.

    17 playable slots using 8 unique loadouts. Some of them call on the same loadout script, example I have two autorifleman, both calling on the autorifleman.sqf.
  3. johnflenaly

    Custom Loadout Script - JIP help.

    Join in progress, someone who join the mission after it has started. So what I've experienced is any player that starts the mission when the mission starts has no problem and the script works, but JIPs are having issues.
  4. As far as I understand it, respawns as well as jip should show up at the respawn marker on the map. I have this in the description.ext respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 10; and a marker named respawn_east on the map. The player is opfor. When I test this mission out on a live server, the respawns are appearing at the marker, however JIPs are not. They seem to be appearing were their unit is initial placed on the map in the editor.