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About Kreeping_Death

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Kreeping_Death

    Respawn Issue!

    Ah okay! Sorry, I litterally know 0 about scripting for this game lol ~ I just saw some youtube video telling me how to make a spawn point which didn't work and now I"m talking to you guys =D You guys have been a great help =) Thanks!
  2. Kreeping_Death

    Respawn Issue!

    Hey I was wondering if the Respawn = 3 meant only having 3 respawns? If so how do I make it unlimited respawns? Just put in BASE again?
  3. Kreeping_Death

    Respawn Issue!

    To answer Ring's question; No I haven't disabled the AI yet, I plan to play this mission with my friend. I was hoping to make the spawn like how it is in the stock mission Escape from Stratis for Co-op (If you die in that, you respawn where your squad is.) So I figured the best way to do that is by making it GROUP rather than BASE But, I could try base as a work around. Let me know if you guys have any ideas on how to make it so I can spawn with my group. Thanks ---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ---------- Update : Okay so I went into the missions folder of my documents/arma3 other profiles / kreeping_death / missions / test_mission_1; then changed the description.ext file to say BASE rather than GROUP and then saved the file then went over to editor, exported it to multiplayer and it still doesn't work :(
  4. Kreeping_Death

    Respawn Issue!

    Hey man, I hate mediafire and dropbox wanted me to fork over a credit card. SO! Game front it is: http://www.gamefront.com/files/23078411/Mission_Test_1.Stratis+-+Copy.7z Hopefully that works propperly. I zipped it with 7zip. The spawn is at the top of the map where the player is, near the trigger and helicopter. I have 3 OPFOR there to test the respawn. Sorry about the long wait, I had to eat breakfest :(
  5. Kreeping_Death

    Respawn Issue!

    Never done that before lol. How would I go about doing that?
  6. Kreeping_Death

    Respawn Issue!

    Hey guys, recently I was trying to make a respawn point in my mission. I created at init.sqf and the description.ext files under <Profilename> / missions / <mission name here> ; I think I created the marker for 'respawn_west" first how ever. Anyway, after that's all done. I decide to test it, so I export it out to Multiplayer via the Editor and launch a lan server. Start the game, run over and get my self killed and the respawn doesn't work! I don't know why, I'm trying to get the respawn to act like it does in Escape from Stratis where you respawn with the group rather than respawning at base or what ever. Here's the contents of my description.ext file; respawn = "GROUP"; respawndelay = 15; After exporting it didn't work, I tried to manually drag the folder holding the pbo/ext/sqf over to MPMissions like you would if you downloaded a map offline, that didn't work either. Hopefully someone can figure out what I did wrong lol =D Thanks for your time!
  7. Kreeping_Death

    Escape from Stratis

    Hey, Sorry about the long pause. I got it working! Although, the PboView didn't work for me at all, it kept saying all the Arma 3 files weren't PBO's, so I tried the PBOManager, and that worked like a charm. Fixed up the script and made my spawn time 30 secs. Wooo!!!! Thank you so much, although when I went to the media fire link AVG popped up on my screen saying it was a virus and I hastily retreated lol. Anyways, thank you again for the help =D
  8. Kreeping_Death

    Escape from Stratis

    Life must really hate me today! I went to the Eliteness one on that link you gave me Nicolas and I got a 404 Error File then I tried the ArmAUnPBO and the website no longer exsists lol. Least for me. :<
  9. Kreeping_Death

    Escape from Stratis

    Hmm. I thought you had to unpbo a file or something like that, not just add a simple extension for the editor maps. I want to edit the co-op stock map "Escape from Stratis" or what ever it's called and change that respawn time from 120 seconds to around 30. I've already created a respawn marker on a seperate mission I created my self thanks to a youtube video. I'll try this though, Where do I stick it? arma3/mpmissions?
  10. Hey guys, I played this mission and found that the respawn time was way, way to long. I wanted to change this down to 30 seconds, or some where around there. I've looked into doing this but everytime I find a tutorial on how to do it, the tools required to do it are no longer there or the site isn't there at all. If anyone could show me to the tools I need to do this that'd be great or even better, giving the link to a escape stratis map with a 30 second respawn :P Thanks!
  11. Kreeping_Death

    Helmet Cam + livestream to teammates

    Wow, That's amazing work. I hope they impliment it in the game! They should also think about putting robots in, like the ones our guy's use in iraq / afghanistan with the SAW on 'em. That's be cool too.
  12. Kreeping_Death

    Bug report

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is in the right section, I couldn't exactly find a bug report section so my apologies in advance if I've dumped this in the wrong place. A few things I've found so far; When creating a scenario in the Editor, AI refuses to cross bridges. They just stop there and wait indefinately. When playing over a LAN (And probably online) The AI squadmembers seem dense, to say the least. To me, they should actively seek out cover when taking fire, not just stand there and trade rounds back and forth til one of them falls over. The AT Soldier in a squad should instantly know "Oh look a car! Instead of firing my 6.5mm at it, lets use something with a bit more boom." ~Que Rocket Launcher~ Rather than firing at it with his 6.5mm in the open (After telling him to take cover) til he runs out of ammo or the .50 cal tears him in half. When in Editor Preview Mode, On the OPFOR (Possibly BLUFOR as well) When firing at friendly units (Yes, you read that right, TK'ing.) excessively, the game suddenly crashes with out an error message. I did this multiple times and got the same result each time (I killed an excess of 6 guys, on the 7th or 8th the game CTD.) When in the Editor, tool tips aren't displaying correctly (I'm sure you already know this.) When playing in general, AI squadmembers occassionally get "Lost" and refuse to take orders. For Instance, I was playing the scenario where you have to escape the island on Co-Op and a few of my squad members got seperated to the point their tags read "Away" and continously said "Where are you?!" When I tried to reply, I couldn't find the option in all of the menus (Scanned through them all of the channels.) That may or may not of been an operator error (If it was could someone tell me how to give the AI squad my cordinates in the game?). After giving up on trying to tell my men my location, I personally went over to them and stood over them. As I stood there, I gave them an order to move (They where both laying prone facing the ocean ontop of a hill) then Oscar Mike'd the order, but didn't move. So I waited a few seconds, then the AI squadmembers I was standing over suddenly said "Where are you!' So I'm going "Sigh." and was half tempted to shoot the two and put 'em out of their misery. After fiddling with them for a few minutes, trying to get them to move or regroup I gave up and continued on with my mission. When playing and taking casualities, My own Character (Squad leader) would repeatedly say "x, Status Check!", "x, Where are you?", "x, <Insert message here checking on location>" This repeated nearly twenty times over and the only reason why it stopped was because I issued another order to the squad and FINALLY, My own character shut up. This happened every time I took a casualty. What was really dumb about it was, My Character Reported the casualty (9. ---- KIA) but then started asking the questions above. I'm sure I probably forgotten a couple of things, I hope this helps! Kreeping Death