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Nice, it worked perfectly Thanks for the help :D
Hello ther I've been looking around everywhere and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for anywhere So I wanted to trigger a car explosion once you shoot it with a sniper rifle. So I thought the best to do it was a HandleDamage EH, however I have no clue how to do it cause I've never worked with EHs before, so how should I do this? Any help is appreciated Thanks in advance, Cheers
Hi there I'd like some help on a HALO Jump I want to make. All I need is my squad to jump from a C-17 during a mission. (Not in the beginning) I found cobra4v320's script. I found it fucking perfect and tried it for myself. I couldn't really make it work on my mission. I tried merging the script I already had(its not mine tho) with the functions in cobra's script. This is what I tried _group = _this select 0; _vehicle = _this select 1; if ( (typename _group != "GROUP") or (typename _vehicle != "OBJECT") ) exitwith { hintSilent "Invalid Parameters parsed"; }; sleep 1; { unassignvehicle _x; _x action ["EJECT", _vehicle]; sleep 0.5; } foreach units _group; if (_chemLight) then { [_chemLight,_unit] spawn { private ["_chemlight","_unit","_light"]; _chemLight = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; _light = "chemlight_red" createVehicle [0,0,0]; if (headgear _unit != "") then { _light attachTo [_unit,[-0.07,0.1,0.25],"head"]; _light setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,-1],[0,1,0.6]]; } else { _light attachTo [_unit,[0,-0.07,0.06],"LeftShoulder"]; }; waitUntil {animationState _unit == "para_pilot"}; if (headgear _unit != "") then { _light attachTo [vehicle _unit,[0,0.14,0.84],"head"]; _light setVectorDirAndUp [[0,1,-1],[0,1,0.6]]; } else { _light attachTo [vehicle _unit,[-0.13,-0.09,0.56],"LeftShoulder"]; _light setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,1,0]]; }; waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit || (getPos _unit select 2) < 1}; detach _light; deleteVehicle _light; }; }; if (_saveLoadOut && !isNull (unitBackpack _unit) && (backpack _unit) != "b_parachute") then { private ["_pack","_class","_magazines","_weapons","_items","_helmet"]; _pack = unitBackpack _unit; _class = typeOf _pack; _magazines = getMagazineCargo _pack; _weapons = getWeaponCargo _pack; _items = getItemCargo _pack; _helmet = headgear _unit; removeBackpack _unit; _unit addBackpack "b_parachute"; [_unit,_class,_magazines,_weapons,_items,_helmet,_altitude] spawn { private ["_unit","_class","_magazines","_weapons","_items","_helmet","_altitude"]; _unit = _this select 0; _class = _this select 1; _magazines = _this select 2; _weapons = _this select 3; _items = _this select 4; _helmet = _this select 5; _altitude = _this select 6; private "_packHolder"; _packHolder = createVehicle ["groundWeaponHolder", [0,0,0], [], 0, "can_collide"]; _packHolder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_class, 1]; waitUntil {animationState _unit == "HaloFreeFall_non"}; _packHolder attachTo [_unit,[-0.12,-0.02,-.74],"pelvis"]; _packHolder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,-1,-0.05],[0,0,-1]]; waitUntil {animationState _unit == "para_pilot"}; _packHolder attachTo [vehicle _unit,[-0.07,0.67,-0.13],"pelvis"]; _packHolder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,-0.2,-1],[0,1,0]]; waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit || (getPos _unit select 2) < 1}; detach _packHolder; deleteVehicle _packHolder; _unit addBackpack _class; clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit; //clear all gear from new backpack if (_altitude > 3040 && _helmet != "" && _helmet != "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B") then {(unitBackpack _unit) addItemCargoGlobal [_helmet, 1]}; for "_i" from 0 to (count (_magazines select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_magazines select 0) select _i,(_magazines select 1) select _i]; }; for "_i" from 0 to (count (_weapons select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack _unit) addWeaponCargoGlobal [(_weapons select 0) select _i,(_weapons select 1) select _i]; }; for "_i" from 0 to (count (_items select 0) - 1) do { (unitBackpack _unit) addItemCargoGlobal [(_items select 0) select _i,(_items select 1) select _i]; }; }; } else { if ((backpack _unit) != "b_parachute") then {_unit addBackpack "B_parachute"}; }; if (_altitude > 3040 && (headgear _unit) != "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B") then {_unit addHeadgear "H_CrewHelmetHeli_B"}; _unit setPos [(getPos _unit select 0), (getPos _unit select 1), _altitude]; if (!isPlayer _unit) then { _unit allowDamage FALSE; //god mode :) _unit switchMove "HaloFreeFall_non"; //place the AI into the free fall animation _unit disableAI "ANIM"; //disable the AI animation so they cant switch back to standing }; if (isPlayer _unit) then { [_unit,_autoOpen] spawn { private ["_unit","_autoOpen"]; _unit = _this select 0; _autoOpen = _this select 1; if (_autoOpen) then { waitUntil {(getPos _unit select 2) < 150 || animationState _unit == "para_pilot" && alive _unit}; _unit action ["OpenParachute", _unit]; //open parachute if 150m above ground }; waitUntil {animationState _unit == "para_pilot"}; // Parachute opening effect for more immersion playSound "open_chute"; //play chute opening sound setAperture 0.05; setAperture -1; "DynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true; "DynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [8.0]; "DynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 0.01; sleep 1; "DynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0]; "DynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 3; sleep 3; "DynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable false; "RadialBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; "RadialBlur" ppEffectCommit 1.0; "RadialBlur" ppEffectEnable false; while {(getPos _unit select 2) > 2} do { playSound "para_pilot"; sleep 4.2; }; }; }; [_unit] spawn { private "_unit"; _unit = _this select 0; waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit || (getPos _unit select 2) < 1 && alive _unit}; if (!isPlayer _unit) then { _unit enableAI "ANIM"; _unit setPos [(getPos _unit select 0), (getPos _unit select 1), 0]; _unit setVelocity [0,0,0]; _unit setVectorUp [0,0,1]; sleep 1; _unit allowDamage TRUE; } else { playSound "close_chute"; cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 999]; sleep 2; cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 2]; _unit setDamage 0; }; }; But still, All my it did was eject the group from the plane, so Only the first lines of code work. I have no idea how to make my group and me jump with those functions applied. I couldn't find any help anywhere, any help is appreciated Thanks in advance
Think I found a solution that doesn't include modifying the script.. I found a few ways to make the civilians count as hostiles, I'm going to test it right now. Okay the easiest way I found is putting your civs on the map, and a opfor with its probability of presence set to 0%. Then group all of your civilians to the opfor guy, and they will now be considered hostile and blufor will shoot on sight.
Perhaps maybe they need a specific script cause they act differently from the civillians.. I have no idea, that hardly makes sense but we never know.. I still think they should just port The Undead Mod.. that'd spare us some effort, but do you have any idea what could be wrong here?
The thing about this is that killing them will then count as friendly fire, so my squad will kill me after a kill or two... It did stop them, but them don't seem to be executing the .sqf script, they just stands there.. I'm trying to figure out what's going on, but idk what's wrong with the script.. What do you mean? this? _pos = getPosATL player; It works with the civilians, I don't know why it wouldn't work with independents..
Just one more quick thing Is there any way to make the zombies independent? Cause my teammates kill me if shoot the civs. I've tried replacing foreach (entities "Civilian"); with foreach (entities "Independent"); but the independent soldier just runs away. Thanks for you help again ;)
Thanks bro, it helped a lot. Just one thing, the zombies don't seem to be doing damage, they just hit me. But thanks a lot for the script
Thanks for opening this, I kinda need your help I'm creating a campaign about a zombie apocalypse day by day, so I didn't need any actual zombies in the opening missions. But the time has come to actually kill some of them, so they need to be somewhat convincing. What I want to do is place some units on the map, and have their inits execute a zombie script. I tried messing with the Dynamic Zombie Sandbox script, but I couldn't figure out what to do, since I only want the zombie behavior(and possibly the sounds) from it. (If you can help me modify DZS, that would be perfect) I don't really care about the looks, all I want is a zombie that will attack you and cause damage, nothing really too in-depth. I was going to wait for a zombie mod like the Undead Mod for Arma 2, or maybe its port, but none of it seems to have happened so far.. If any of you could help me, it will be massively appreciated. Thanks for your time again
Objective as Trigger Condition
Arched posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Hey guys, I've been scripting for about a few months now, and, I've created some nice missions myself... My missions often include respawns, objectives, tasks etc. But theres a single line of code I just cant get right :mad:, its really stupid, so Im just gonna ask. I have a mission that I have to clear up a city of zombies and enemy soldiers, so I made two triggers, each one representing the not-presence of OPFOR and Independents(zombies). So they are set to Not Present as condition each. Here are the On Act. codes for each one: "Zombies" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All zombies are dead again"; "Soldiers" objStatus "DONE"; hint "All soldiers have been killed"; In third trigger, I have this as condition: obj_Zombies && obj_Soldiers; And this as Act. "KillEverything" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj_KillEverything setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; player setCurrentTask tskobj_SUV; SUV lock false; The thing is, when both objectives are completed, the task doesnt succeed. So Im thinking its a condition problem on the third trigger. I tried removing zombies or soldiers, and setting the Third trigger to do everything(making the condition the not-presence of OPFOR/Independent) and it works perfectly. So could anyone help me here, I know this is a dumb mistake, but IDK whats wrong =s :confused::confused: BTW here is the Briefing.sqf file codes //Objective 3 tskobj_extract = player createSimpleTask ["extract."]; tskobj_extract setSimpleTaskDescription ["When done, await for the chopper extract you.","GET TO THA CHOPPA.","GET TO THA CHOPPA."]; tskobj_extract setSimpleTaskDestination (getmarkerpos "extract"); //Objective 2 tskobj_SUV = player createSimpleTask ["Get in SUV."]; tskobj_SUV setSimpleTaskDescription ["When done, get in the SUV.","GET IN SUV.","GET IN SUV."]; tskobj_SUV setSimpleTaskDestination (getmarkerpos "getin"); //Objective 1 tskobj_KillEverything = player createSimpleTask ["KillEverything"]; tskobj_KillEverything setSimpleTaskDescription ["Kill everything that moves.","Eliminate all hostiles.","Eliminate all hostiles"]; tskobj_KillEverything setSimpleTaskDestination (getmarkerpos "here");