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About UnnamedOPA

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  1. UnnamedOPA

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    i must have done something wrong but when i use from the modules the gamelogic (zombies) and the spawner they dont seem to work When blufor is present nothing happens , only always-spawn seems to work And the deletion module makes the zombies vanish regardless if i (blufor) is present in the given radius Weird thing is that it happens when a few zombies are killed But again i might approach the wrong method , hope u can help me out thx
  2. UnnamedOPA

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    At first kudos for the mod Sumrak We are bunch of OPA's playing Namalsk crisis-dayz , having fun and i mean lots of fun Specialy with searching for the portable solder,broken nvg/gps And now after i said try the SP version of the mod , most did some made it to the end a few stuck (we cant be all Rambo-5 ) Ok some things need a fix , but nevertheless still a good job Just to let u know , we be waiting for the next update :436: So thx , and hats off :pc: