Hello, i have looked through as many threads as i could find pertaining to my problem but unfortunately they all recommend the same thing, which is to switch from the beta build to the opt out build. I have tried this and it does not work. Switching from the opt out build to the beta build only allows me to connect to about 15 servers, majority having red x's. When i go back to the opt out build, i can see all the servers and they all have green circles, but once i get into the lobby, i cannot select a role nor hit "ok". The only way i have been able to actually play is by disconnecting from the server and reconnecting, which shows my name twice, one name with a "(2)" next to it. Once in game i have no problems aside from the crashes after about an hour which everyone gets. All i'm asking is for someone to help me with this role selection problem.
PS: i have also tried running Steam as administrator and verifying my local files through Steam, with no avail. Also my alpha build on the bottom right is 0.5.102571 if that matters at all.
Thank You in advance.