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About Choctaw

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  1. Thanks, Massi. These look awesome.
  2. Thanks for all of this fine info, Vespa (and others)! Hopefully I can get some help here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149727-Problems-with-config-cpp
  3. I've followed Scarecrow398's and Stiltman's guides on how to re-texture characters, so I tried my hand at it. So far, I have clothing1_co.paa, equip2_co.paa, and vests_rgr_co.paa all edited (and renamed) to my liking. This is my config, which is based on Stiltman's examples. I defined my classes but I still am getting a few errors. One is "Cannot load texture: data/ks_clothing1_co.paa." and the other is "No entry '.bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.ACP1.'" I've tried packaging my pbo with PboView, at which point I put MyAddon.pbo into an addons folder, then put that in another folder which I named @MyAddon. Everything so far went fairly smooth, but now I don't know what I did wrong. Did I make an error in my config where I defined the classes? That's what I'm thinking, but I'm really new to coding. I'd appreciate any help I could get. Thanks! EDIT: I figured it out myself. My error was that I didn't correctly define my paths for my textures.