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Everything posted by Jacobstar9104

  1. Jacobstar9104

    ArmA MP Missions?

    I have ArmA 2 (Not anything else, just A2) you guys have any missions for it? I bought it just yesterday because I couldn't afford Operation Arrowhead yet. I hope you guys respond fast because I'll be waiting and playing with some friends for now! :)
  2. So I've just bought ArmA 2 (Not anything, just the original ArmA 2.) I'd like to get the JSRS mod, I don't know where to get it exactly.. I downloaded it and I don't even have a expansion tab on my ArmA menu first off, like OA does... So I don't know how to do any of this, is there a way to get it or am I screwed? If there's a way, I'd like to hear it, please respond! :)
  3. Hey, I am wondering how to create a custom missioned server on ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead Demo, that's all there is to know. I would appreciate some custom mission links down below too!