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Everything posted by K120

  1. Hello,i'm making s small medical vehicle pack for the game and have some problems to make emergency lights and sirens work. I spent yesterday trying to search solution from old threads and mods but couldn't find much. I've found script to make lights and sirens work with addAction but as i lack knowledge of scripting i can't find any "proper" way to turn them off. Also siren sound doesn't come from the vehicle but plays the same no matter how far i'm from the vehicle. nul = [this,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0] execVM "texture\emergencyoffroad.sqf";this addAction ["Emergencylights ON", "scripts\emergencylights.sqf"]; I guess i need to use exitWith but i'm not sure what is the condition when player uses other action to turn sirens off. I need to use action id? _vehicle = _this select 0; _lightRed = [5, 0.5, 0.5]; _lightBlue = [0.5, 0.5, 5]; lightleft = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _vehicle; lightleft setLightColor _lightRed; lightleft setLightBrightness 0.4; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightRed; lightleft lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [-3, 0.8, 0]]; lightleft setLightAttenuation [3, 0, 0, 0.6]; lightright = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _vehicle; lightright setLightColor _lightBlue; lightright setLightBrightness 0.4; lightright setLightAmbient _lightBlue; lightright lightAttachObject [_vehicle, [3, 0.8, 0]]; lightright setLightAttenuation [3, 0, 0, 0.6]; // playSound "AlarmCar"; _leftRed = true; while{ (alive _vehicle)} do { if(_leftRed) then { _leftRed = false; lightleft setLightColor _lightRed; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightRed; lightright setLightColor _lightBlue; lightright setLightAmbient _lightBlue; playSound "AlarmCar"; } else { _leftRed = true; lightleft setLightColor _lightBlue; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightBlue; lightright setLightColor _lightRed; lightright setLightAmbient _lightRed; }; sleep 1; }; Also how can i make it so the action is available only when in vehicle? I tried to use player in _target and similiars but didn't get it to work.
  2. Is there any simple way to remove lightpoint from specific runway edgelight? I have attached 2 edgelights to a truck as fake source of light for scripted emergency lights but as you see from image they have light glowing all the time. Or even better if it's possible to change color of edgelights so that they switch color like emegency lights when driver toggles them on? :confused:
  3. In addition to your pic i know atleast Zamak truck has orange cabin texture and white-blue texture for fuel zamaks tank. edit; Can't remember if you can actually place civ fuel zamak in editor.^ If i remember right most mil vehicles have skins of other sides. Like that nato strider above.
  4. As far as i know you can use custom textures in clothing. Try this: Create your texture and put it in your mission files. Place to soldiers init. this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "yourmission\yourtexture.paa"]; How to modify/create textures: 1.Download and install BI tools. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2.5 2. Find .pbo file that has textures you want to modify from install directory. Example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Addons Clothing textures are located in characters_f.pbo,characters_f_epa.pbo,characters_f_gamma 3. Find texture inside .pbo file that you want to modify. Open it in textview 2 and save as "all files" to your desktop. Name it as "whatever.tga" so it saves as .tga 4. Open just saved .tga file in photoshop or similiar and edit texture how you want it to be. 5. When you are ready save as .tga and open in textview 2,save as .paa 6. Move your whatever.paa to mission folder/file
  5. It's a shame you can't use custom textures in HEMTT fueltank,only base texture. (as far as i know,please correct if i'm wrong!) Had to use Zamak. http://www.northjerseyfireimages.com/Pennsylvania-Fire-Apparatus/Fire-Apparatus-of-Schuykill/i-cL7fWHH/0/X2/DSC_01522-X2.jpg
  6. Is it possible to change vehicleClass and transportFuel for specific truck with script or any other way so that it's not addon then? :confused: I'm trying to remove refueling option from a retextured fueltruck which is supposed to be a firetruck. So far i get only errors when i try to use SetVehicleClass "Car";transportFuel "0";
  7. Thanks guys,it works now. :) Little off topic but i'm not sure if it's something to start new for. Anyone know if offroad parts such as the lightbar or the back cage can be created alone with classname and then be attached to some other vehicle?
  8. Big thanks! Managed to combine lights to same script but i'm not able to make them turn off. I suppose i need to use "xxx = false;" in SirenOff.sqf? SirenOn.sqf _car = _this select 0; _action = _this select 2; _lightRed = [5, 0.5, 0.5]; _lightBlue = [0.5, 0.5, 5]; _car removeaction _action; Copsiren = true; _car addAction ["Siren Off",{_this execvm "scripts\SirenOff.sqf"},[],53,false,true,"","Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; while {Copsiren} do { _car say3D "AlarmCar"; lightleft = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _car; lightleft setLightColor _lightRed; lightleft setLightBrightness 0.4; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightRed; lightleft lightAttachObject [_car, [-3, 0.8, 0]]; lightleft setLightAttenuation [3, 0, 0, 0.6]; lightright = "#lightpoint" createVehicle getpos _car; lightright setLightColor _lightBlue; lightright setLightBrightness 0.4; lightright setLightAmbient _lightBlue; lightright lightAttachObject [_car, [3, 0.8, 0]]; lightright setLightAttenuation [3, 0, 0, 0.6]; _leftRed = true; { if(_leftRed) then { lightleft setLightColor _lightRed; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightRed; lightright setLightColor _lightBlue; lightright setLightAmbient _lightBlue; } else { lightleft setLightColor _lightBlue; lightleft setLightAmbient _lightBlue; lightright setLightColor _lightRed; lightright setLightAmbient _lightRed; }; sleep 1; }; sleep 1.95; }; Tried to put lightleft = false;lightright = false; and such in SirenOff.sqf but nothing seems to turn lights off. :confused:
  9. pic1pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5 pic6 pic7 You are captain Simon Costa,serving 22nd year in Altis Armed Forces (AAF). You were just enjoying your well deserved vacation at home when you received a phonecall. There's been kidnapping today and you are possibly only one with required skill and experience to make a successful rescue. Orders are to report in Major Vegas office asap. 95% solo mission. ( Altis rambo:) ) Starts in daylight but switches to dusk as mission progress. Choose your loadout freely from aaf equipment. (No forced f.ex. rifleman equipment,tell me if i should add all equipment to storage.) NVG's shouldn't be required. +AI's use lights and flares. Most places where player will be are customized with furnitures and objects to look more like populated areas. Unlimited saves Development build required! First mission i've made so i'd be happy to get feedback! credits: Every kind person who have been helping through problems at this forum. Steam workshop http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=175500860 Mediafire http://www.mediafire.com/download/92nmgy4e4a0u03a/operation_astraeus.zip Armaholic mirror: - Operation Astraeus [bETA]
  10. Ah that's it! I didn't think of that radio would cause it but now that i think it makes perfect sence. I just removed it since my player starts with civilian gear until mission progresses! :butbut: Thank you very much! *embarrassed*
  11. Hello,it's me requesting help again. I have finally got my mission finished and i was testing that stuff works before saving it as mission. However today none of my scripted side chat messages are showing up. They've worked well since i got them working and if i remember right they still worked yesterday. I don't think i have made any changes that could cause it and all animations in the same script are playing,just messages not showing up. To me it sounds like something in game have changed but i couldn't find anything related in dev build changelogs. I have 2 AI's named major and simon_costa elsewhere on the map that do the talking but that shouldn't be the issue since it's sidechat and i have everyone as independent,except enemy ofcourse. This is one that still worked untill today. sleep 15; major sideChat "RADIO CHECK,OVER"; sleep 3; simon_costa sideChat "RECEIVING YOU 5 BY 5,OVER"; SLEEP 3; major sideChat "ROGER,I'M STANDING BY.KEEP ME UPDATED ABOUT THE MISSION,OUT."; Any help to identify the problem is appreciated!
  12. That seemed to work though i moved sleep to bottom so flares drop instantly when detected. This was the finishing touch for my mission,thanks!
  13. I'm trying to make flare drop every ~150 sec from sky after enemy detects me as long as there are any of 7 enemies with GL weapons alive. I've named them f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6 and f7. I have trigger that exec flare.sqf I've tried everything i have found with searching but so far i get every time error. This is as it currently is: Can anyone tell what's wrong?Am i using wrong brackets? Also is it possible to loop 2 flares (they drop from different spot) ?
  14. Hey,i couldn't find anything helpful about this. I need to set some vehicles to go full speed instantly as they spawn,is there something i could put in vehicles init field?
  15. Damn,didn't think about that,thanks. Works now but i ran to another problem. If i put waypoint "load" then helicopter won't land. I have now "move" and on act. " helicopter land "get in"; " and helicopter lands without shutting engine as intented. I've tried hold waypoint next to landing waypoint which has trigger with switch type and condition "player IN helicopter". Also tried with move waypoint next to landing waypoint with same condition but the helicopter never continues to next waypoint after landing. Edit: Problem solved! Apparently i pressed cancel when i thought i switched it to move. :j:
  16. As the title says is there any way to force heli to land if enemy is near? I have a mission where player calls extraction with radio. I've set invisible helipad to chopper load waypoint but if there is any enemies near it keeps circling around. :confused:
  17. Try this: Create task. Create task state module "Assigned". Create task state "Succeeded". Ungroup them all. Synchronize both task states to task. Synchronize player to task.
  18. Maybe put this addAction["Hack computer","hack.sqf"] to the computer which triggers script that has something like hint "1%"; sleep 0.5; hint "2%"; sleep 0.5; hint "3%" ... hint "100% , hack complete!"; though i don't know if new hint replaces the old one that fast,i'm new to this too. :)
  19. Alright <br /> did it,thank you!
  20. Hey, i tried to search but couldn't find anything about how to make list in diary record / briefing. I need to list all operation code names in a list but currently they all show in row. I read somewhere and tested to make briefing.html and use html codes but it didn't work out. :confused: Here's how it is in init.sqf: It appears as: I'm trying to make them listed like this: Anyone know how to do it?
  21. Hey,i'm working on my first mission and ran to a small problem with animations as i don't know anything about scripting and this isn't working with trigger only as it needs "sleep". Searched a lot but didn't get it working. As mission starts player needs to drive to base and meet major to get mission details. Major is in his room inside military office. What i want to do is when player enters majors room he (player) salutes until major says "at ease" (other script) and player makes ease animation and stays in it about 25 seconds until major have finished talking. I've made trigger to majors office which has this in its on act. "[this] exec "office.sqf" I've tried to put these in the script: Same result as when i put it in trigger on act. , sleep makes it not work. This one does nothing except error text.
  22. Reason for this was that player and major are having a conversation about the mission in sidechat. I didn't want player to be able to leave majors office until the chat is over. Animations are just for the atmosphere. Anyway,i got it working. Thanks for help,here's how i did it if anyone is struggling with similiar.
  23. That worked,thanks! But is there something similiar to disableAI "MOVE" but for player? I tried "disableUserInput true" but it leaves last moving directions on and "enablesimulation false" freezes the player in middle of running animation. :confused:
  24. Thanks,that worked partly. Now it comes with quite of latency and player is free to move during saluting. Is there some other way to use "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteIn" and "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteOut" in the script? I apogolize if this seems stupid question but it's only a week since i opened arma editor for first time and i'm yet learning the basic things.