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Posts posted by asd123

  1. If you're running mods, you'll get lower frames, especially if it is an old addon or coded poorly. Also, sometimes lag or stuttering is caused by a sloppy-made mission or a sluggish server. If people are loading addons that aren't on the server, especially if it adds weapons, uniforms, attachments, etc. then the server gets slowed down with errors that it cannot find the files for them (Because they aren't on the server) and impacts the server's performance, which in turn effects everyone else's performance regardless of hardware they have. First step is to only run the addons you NEED enabled, rather than just everything.

    Secondly, try starting around these settings in Video Settings:

    Sampling: 100% (Higher values make GPU work)

    Textures: Very High (Higher values make GPU work)

    Terrain: Standard (Relies on CPU)

    Terrain View Distance: 2000 (Relies on CPU)

    Objects: Standard or High (Relies on CPU)

    Object View Distance: 2000 (Lowering this improves performance further; (Relies on CPU)

    Shadows: Very High (Higher values make GPU work)

    Shadow Draw Distance: 100 (The lower, the better framerate. Higher settings hit performance in forests.[/b]

    Particles: High

    PIP: Disabled (Mirrors, thermal MFD screen in HMG hunter seat or Comanche helicopter, etc.)

    Clouds Quality: Ultra (Doesn't hit performance at all)

    Dynamic Lights: Ultra (May want to turn this down if you get poor performance at night)

    HDR: Standard (Low performs better, but looks worse)

    Window: Window Borderless

    Vertical Sync: Disabled

    Bloom: 0

    Motion Blur: 0

    Radial Blur: 0

    Depth of Field: 0 (Can cause weird artifacts with certain sights)

    Sharpen Filter: 0 (Giving any value higher hits performance, slightly)

    Anti Aliasing: Disabled (Depends on your video card)

    PPAA: Disabled (Depends on your video card)

    Anisotropic Filtering: 16x

    Caustics: Enabled (Might effect performance when in, over, or near water, but I have yet to notice it)

    AToC: All Trees

    If you have a pimped out monitor like me, which is an ASUS 23" monitor that has 144 Mhz and 1ms response time, you can adjust the refresh rate in your "My Documents\ArmA 3\ArmA.cfg" and other settings. Example of mine:


    There's also some ArmA 3 launch parameters you can set to utilize memory better and optimize how the game runs, but you should look that part up on your own.

    Finally, there's always the option to upgrade your PC more! With my PC, I average on Altis between 30 and 60 frames, sometimes higher. Average framerate is usually higher on maps like Takistan.

    Here's what I use to play ArmA 3:

    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate

    PROCESSOR: i7-5820K - @3.30 GHz (I don't have a good cooler to overclock)

    PSU: 850W Corsair

    RAM: 8 Gigs of DDR4 RAM - Not overclocked

    GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - 4 Gigs of VRAM

    MONITOR: Pretty sure this is it

    RESOLUTION: 1920x1080

    REFRESH RATE: 144 Hz

    Hope this helps.

    I'm aware of how each video effect affects the FPS, the parameters that matter the most are the shadows and the view distances that I keep low.

    again, I don't want to upgrade my computer because I know that it's strong enough to run a game that looks like Arma 3, the problem is that the game's engine only uses 30% of my CPU, if i'll find a way to make the game use my entire CPU or even close to entirely, i will have good fps, that's why I'm asking if anyone here knows to fix it.

    ---------- Post added at 20:24 ---------- Previous post was at 20:21 ----------

    The ArmA 3 Launcher offers an easy way to set up parameters and even describes what each one does. It's a pretty nice launcher.


    I used to have an AMD 1100t as well as an AMD 6970. I usually played with my settings set to "Standard" with the default view distance.

    Thanks for the advice, I'll see how I can take advantage of these options and post the results soon :).

    edit: btw, what is malloc and how do i use it ?

  2. First at all, i know there's already a huge thread about the performance issues in this game.. but it's too large for me to get anything useful from there.

    I bought the game when it was an alpha, it was running terribly because it was only using about 40% of the cpu (I think that's the reason), and what that i really don't understand is that on the store page it says these are the

    RECOMMENDED (not minimum) requirements: OS: Windows 7/ 8 (64bit)

    Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better

    Memory: 4 GB RAM

    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better

    DirectX®: 11

    Hard Drive: 25 GB free space (SSD/Hybrid HDD/SSHD storage)

    Sound: DirectX®-compatible

    These are my specs:

    OS: Windows 7/ 8 (64bit)

    Processor: Intel Core i5-3570K overclocked to 4.3 GHz (Obviously way better than the recommended cpu)

    Memory: 8GB (1600mhz)

    Graphics: SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 6850 1GB (better than the recommended graphics card)

    DirectX®: 11

    Hard Drive: Running the game on SSD, but doesn't affect the gameplay.

    okay, so before i bought the game i was checking the system requirements and i realized that i should have pretty decent fps, but i dont.

    so here's my question: Is there any way to fix this ? i'm guessing that the problem is that the game uses only about 40% of the cpu.

  3. Hello, im currently interested in refunding ArmA 3 and since every Alpha/Beta game is allowed to be refunded i should be able to.

    but the problem is that i bought it with TF2 Keys (Which i payed money for) and didnt buy it directly from the steam store, so i was wondering if its possible that the game will at least be converted to a steam gift so i can trade it again.

    Thanks in advance

    btw, i bought it on steam.

  4. At LOWEST settings possible for EVERYTHING, I'm constantly jumping between 10-30 FPS. My system specs:

    - GeForce 660 with 2GB ram

    - Phenom II x4 955 overcloced at 3.7 GHz

    - 4GB system RAM

    - 1680x1050 resolution

    For comparison purposes, I can run BF3 maxed out and consistently get 60+ FPS.

    I'm having the same problem, does anyone know how to deal with it ?

  5. Dont trust those sites :q: , its really hard to NOT pass the test, I used an really really old laptop, and according the site it got the recommended specs to play battlefield 3... it can hardly play a browser game....

    It checks by the given Recommended specs. which it realy passes them.

    and leon, im having about 15-30 FPS in arma 3 :( even on standard. is it normal ?

    I know my GPU is kinda outdated but it still should run the game well.

  6. Recommended:

    OS:Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1

    Processor:Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better

    Memory:4 GB RAM

    Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better


    Hard Drive:20 GB HD space


    my shit is much better than the recommended shit, and the game still runs on low fps

    can somebody explain this to me ?


    edit: just OC'd to 4.3 ghz

    btw: i have an SSD but the game isn't installed on it, should i move it ? im guessing that yes >_>

  7. Get 2400mhz ram, ditch the Radeon for a GTX670 & you're good to go!

    Why would i do that when my rig clearly is suppoused to run the game fine ?

    Obviously there is a problem with the game engine which im asking how can i fix it ?


    OS:Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1

    Processor:Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better

    Memory:4 GB RAM

    Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better


    Hard Drive:20 GB HD space


    my shit is much better than the recommended shit, and the game still runs on low fps


    can somebody explain this to me ?


    edit: just OC'd to 4.3 ghz

    btw: i have an SSD but the game isn't installed on it, should i move it ? im guessing that yes >_>

  8. ~ select all, or press F2-F3-F4-ect.

    When they are selected you can use the number keys or your action menu.

    1: Movement orders

    2: Target orders

    3: Engagement orders

    4: Vehicle orders

    5: Status

    6: Gear orders

    7: Stance/awareness orders

    8: Formation orders

    9: Assign team colors

    0: Basic orders


    thanks but what do the F keys do ? are they used to target a single squad member ? like F3 = 3rd squad member ?

  9. You must select the squadmate(s) you wish, then point your crosshairs on an enemy man for example, then in the top left menu "Target" option will appear for what you are pointing at. In this case a man. You'd hit enter, or middle mouse, and you would order the selected squadmate(s) to target them. Then they could see the red box.

    And how does a squad leader choose the whole squad ? / Marks for the whole team ?

  10. It just doesnt come up, whenever i press the bound item to Toggle GPS/ GPS, nothing happens. and if the Toggle GPS is defaulted on Right ctrl+M it also doesnt work, it just brings up the main map.

    How do i fix this ? is there anything im doing wrong ?

    thanks in advance
