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About Skjoldmo

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  1. Skjoldmo

    I gots to know, top mods

    True - The guy just want some help. But as some above stated Mods are a very personal choice, but I'll give it a go with what my Clan uses. Sound: JSRS (You can also go for Speed of Sound), but we also used JSRS in A2, so thats what we are going with. Graphic effects: Blastcore_A3 Weapons: Here are alot of choices, but we use r3f_armes at the moment. Planes: FA-18_A3, JS_JC_SU35 and Peral A-10C. Infantry: sthud_a3, Compassfix UAV: RQ_11_Raven_AB_A3 Factions/vehicles: African_Conflict. Maps: Here we are waiting on Icebreakr :) AI improvements: We haven't decided yet. For them to work you also need CBA_A3. Some of the Mods im keeping an eye on is: A-130x, A3MP, CJM, Drogoartillery, realarmor and I could go on... //Mø