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Everything posted by marcushague

  1. marcushague

    Need a wasteland squad

    you guys still play wasteland?
  2. hey guys im looking for a group to play wasteland with if anyone has a wasteland team send me a message :)
  3. hi, i am looking for a team to play some games with.... i have played arma 2 before aswell as this one.... my favourite game mode atm is wasteland maybe because i cant play other missions on my own but a group that likes wasteland would be a bonus, i know about tactical gameplay and everything but the squad i a looking for i dont want a squad that is too serious about everything as it is just a game although i do like to win... not looking for huge team either as you never get to know the members...... if anyone is interested PM me..... Thanks Muchly
  4. the laptop i have now can play it but its too slow was looking to get a new one but its hard to find one with everything i wanted i can get one with a good graphics card but low end processor and low ram and the same other way round high end processor and high ram but only intell graphics
  5. hey guys, i am looking to get a new LAPTOP which is suitable for this game (arma 3), i dont have loads of money for this maybe 500 to spend on one.... i cant get a desktop because of moveability as i travel alot and need a laptop because of this..... i understand that for 500 pounds i wont get a top end machine but i want something with decent performance enough for this game atleast. at the minute the laptop i have has 4GB Ram a 2.3Ghz processor (intel core i3) and poor graphics (intell HD 3000), this according to the recomended specs shouldnt be able to play the game but it actually does although its horribly slow. could anyone reccomend a decent machine for this price i live in the UK. Thanks Muchly Marcus
  6. marcushague

    UK Armed Forces

    Sweet looks awesome.... should do the S.A.S aswell, and royal marines...
  7. i have had a look around the forums and noticed people going on about the devbuild..... just wondering what this build is and what is different than the alpha i got through steam.... which would be more beneficial for me to use and most reliable as the version i have crashes quite alot (i got my version through the steam storee....) i have seen the sticky post about this but am not too tech savvy and it does not make much sense to me... so which version would be best to use and how do i change versions? thanks
  8. same thing everything that i have tried just causes a crash after 5-10 seconds. the server loads fine lets me choose sides choose my spawn point ( has to be random) then i can run about 20 ft and i get a crash, happens on wasteland, air cavalry, operation steal the bird, vip ect basically on all of the add on missions you can get i have made sure i have them installed as told to in steam/arma3/spmission and have deleted them and re extracted them to this file. my laptop is a little slow ( not sure why its an alienware Mx17) but it plays the game fine on all other public servers and on all other games. when i run a speed test for the internet i get good results (low ping/ high download speed over 20mbs) so not sure what it is causing the problems.
  9. hey guys, i have a few questions about some issues im having. first problem is, 1) when i start the game up sometimes it will crash saying that the game cannot run in this instance anyone had a similar issue and have any idea what to do... it doesnt happen everytime but does happen from time to time. 2) i get the game crashes alot when i try and join a team on a multiplayer match, not in game just whilst trying to select the team. 3) when starting my own server to play a game like wasteland it crashes everytime after about 5 seconds no matter what game i choose to play. 4) sometimes when i join a MP server it just has a blank screen.... i can press esc and go back to the normal screen but when i respawn its still black. 5) ( been mentioned on the forums) game crashes alot maybe 3-4 times an hour. 6) sometimes the game will start up normally and then go to 16 bit display.... if i tab out then it returns to normal but not sure why this happens seems like a bug. if anyone has had similar issues or knows how to solve any of them then please say would be a great help. thanks Muchly
  10. marcushague

    Wasteland for ArmA 3 by 404Games [MP]

    hey guys, having a few problems with this. first of all when i set the server up it loads up fine then once in game arma crashes after about 5 seconds... any idea what this could be is it my side or arma thats causing issues here.... also when in game on public servers its happened 2-3 times now basically i will be in a chopper huey or little bird and then all of a sudden the chopper disapears and i fall to the ground and die.... anyone having these issues and anyone know of any fixes ? Thanks Muchly
  11. marcushague

    What will happen to Stratis after the Alpha / Beta?

    i imagine that it will be another map to use, what would rock is having them both together on 1 mapo..... so you get in a chopper and fly to stratis from the main island....
  12. marcushague

    Which version of arma 3 is best?

    thanks for the response guys, think i will stick with the alpha version for now as my machine is barely able to run the game ( very odd for the alienware laptop i use) but seems it is struggling to run the game at times.... so if i switched to the devbuild then i imagine i would get less gameplay than i do now. thanks muchly guys. marcus.
  13. marcushague

    Which version of arma 3 is best?

    well i am recieving unstable play at the minute on the steam version, alot of disconnects and crashes.... is this even worse on the dev build? what benefits does the other build have?
  14. marcushague


    hey i have just started to use the addons for this game and can get them to work and start my own server with wasteland.... after about 5 seconds the server crashes this happens everytime i do one.... any suggestions on how to solve this isdsue? ---------- Post added at 11:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 ---------- bump?
  15. marcushague


    hey guys, just wondering if there are any patches planned and if so when they will be....
  16. marcushague


    thanks muchly :)
  17. marcushague

    The reason why we are spawning as seagulls

    devbuild? whats the difference with these builds im not to computer-wise so dunno what the difference is? i downloaded it from steam on saturday thats all i know how will i uodate? what difference does it make?
  18. marcushague

    The reason why we are spawning as seagulls

    just some input on this.... i noticed yesterday that this was happening when a certain player joined.....i am friends with the guy running the server and when a certain player joined everyone was made a seagul he then started laughing in global we reset the server and again this happened..... maybe 6-7 times it happened so if these guys arent hacking then they know what they are doing and causing us problems..... i left a game which i loved because of hackers/exploiters and would hate to have to do that again...
  19. looking for a team to play missions with who act maturely and play serious but also have some sense of humor.... have played arma 2 and been oin this since release, uk based on for maybe 4-5 hours a day pm me if interesdted.
  20. marcushague

    Wasteland for ArmA 3 by 404Games [MP]

    makes sense.... thanks for the response... used to see it say armed heli mission but dont anymore and spawned in once and had a HMG hunter infront of me was awesome..... ---------- Post added at 13:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ---------- nightime is hard man lol was playing it lastnight on STONEDSNIPERS server....
  21. me and my friend are looking for a serious team to play online missions with cant do it on public as we just get people messing about and spawnkilling ect and just being immature. so if anyone needs an extra 2 people for there team then just send me a Pm . thanks marcus
  22. marcushague

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    S.A.S uniform please or royal marines uniform.... thanks
  23. marcushague

    Kaelies' SVD mod/port

    thanks for the helps.... another question would i be able to use this on wasteland? on a public server or would that not work?
  24. marcushague


    just wondering if anyone was looking to make an S.A.S uniform or a royal marine uniform.... would be cool
  25. marcushague

    Wasteland for ArmA 3 by 404Games [MP]

    is there any armed vehicles in this mod? if so where do i find one? bored of having to dismount a car and die as doing so :( edit: i have seen armed hunters in game before but only once.... just wondering how i cant find any more?