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Got myself a new computer and was finally able to play through the campaign. And now there's the helicopters DLC..... http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/fa/7f/6e/fa7f6e993397f475d6d8aaf232f88a66.jpg Flight lieutenant Nicolas of the AAF was in for a surprise when he was called into the briefing room for a priority 1 mission.. -- "Col. Akhanteros wants me to do what?" -- "Ha, why'd you think the AAF aviation wing was trained to perform sling loading ops? For something combat related, come on!" -- "I really didn't sign up for this crap.."
A vacation on Altis - or - To Limnos and back again.
D34 replied to kostaatanasov's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Great pics! Think I need my passport now.... A helicopter tour around the island would be sweeet! -
Thanks Smurf! I missed the X-Mas competition, but here's my card for you all.. http://imageshack.us/a/img28/4997/r64m.jpg
Thanks! And sorry about no pic, but I just wanted to answer this question. I haven't done any streaming. Recently I tried to record a painting some time ago and got about halfway there.. can't really do my best and most useful work that way, because I pause a lot and just look at the image, or alt tab and do something else for a minute and then look back to get a fresh view of it. I do that all the time, and it doesn't work in a video. But there's a lot of good artists that do stream, check out Peleng (Sergey Kolesov) for example, he's the one I learn a lot from :)
Good stuff in the post above! Long time no post to this thread. I'm planning a more serious Arma work to be done soon.. "Kerry! Flank right!"
At what moment did you realize the magnitude of these games?
D34 replied to iceman77's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
I started with A1.. probably the first moment was the single mission "Convoy Ambush". The red pickup that you spawn next to - what, you can drive the car?? And there's supplies in the car? You can set up the ambush point where you want, deploy explosives the way you want. Then it's just about the waiting.. convoy arrives from an actual base some distance away and you can hear them approaching from far, building up the anticipation. The next mission I tried was called "Blood, Sweat and Tears". You spawn in Ixel, ambush the truck and seize it. Agent uses it as a decoy while the friendly forces land.. that feeling of being a part of a larger operation. And of course the mission went on.. and on.. and on.. After playing the campaign I downloaded "The Sahrani Run" -mission/mini campaign. You are dropped into Sahrani to meet an agent not really knowing what your mission is. The agent tasks you with assassinating and OPFOR officer, who is known to be somewhere on that island crawling with hostiles that kinda are alerted to your presence. You have to first find out where he is at a specific time, get to that corner of the map in time and take him out. The whole area of Sahrani was used and it was EPIC. I wish a version for Altis would be made.. -
I'm pretty sure I saw the red tractor in "Blood Sweat and Tears" mission in Arma 1. I also think there was plenty of tractors in Chernarus.. They're cool, but not game-breaking if not included in A3 :D
Vasilyevich - nice shot of the UAV, there's a great contrast between materials of the vehicle and terrain. I like it :) keep the art coming guys! And thanks everyone who commented on my earlier stuff; and getting featured at the site - unexpected! That Convoy -pic was done as a request, loading image for a mission by Byrgesen. Maybe you can check it out and give feedback, I have not tested it myself unfortunately (massive lack of time). Put a lot of detail into the painting without realizing the loading image in Arma 3 is the tiny pic in the middle of the screen, no need for full screen actually. :j: Anyway here's a new thing.. I think it's Altis. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--aUO_KuXX6o/UhUBqWBPKNI/AAAAAAAAAb4/JtnaJRSZUig/s1600/medevac-full.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-o4rs4bwSFEg/UhUBqljlxAI/AAAAAAAAAb8/1Lgx1QQJ8E8/s1600/medevac_widescreen-crop.jpg Why are the stealth(ish)hawk medevacs painted white? Are they gonna hit the rocks in the foreground? Is there actually such lush green areas in Altis? Don't really know.. But this is probably where they are coming from; that can happen if your key early warning radar facility drops off the grid..
Nice mission, great mood and very BIS-like style. Pretty short and not too difficult - keeps the immersion going when you don't die a million times and have to reload and get frustrated. A couple of points I had, you might lock the Ifrit at the Old Outpost.. once I took everyone out in the area, could have just taken the car.. Also when taking out the AA outpost, some random OPFOR came from the woods while I was grabbing the AA launcher. They fired a couple of shots and got the mission failed -screen even though the teammate didn't go down - at least I don't think so. Is this intentional, get detected - mission blown thing? Those above are really minor issues, the bigger problem was the ending. Couldn't get to the chopper. I tried many times and it just kept flickering, suddenly it appeared on the ground, then took off, vanished completely, was on the ground again, and so on. Managed to click the ride in back once, only to be thrown to the ground injured. So I think the unitCapture has some bad playback problems.. But all in all, neat mission and really highlights how much Arma series has improved. A part of me was saying, there's no way an arma game can look and feel this good :D
I think this happens also when shadowed by terrain, in sunset/rise conditions. The whole side of a hill is basically one flat color and soldiers stand out. One of the very very few problems I have with the lighting engine, hope something will be done to it.
Sorely Unimpressed with Arma 3's Graphics as they exist in the Alpha.
D34 replied to Failberry's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Generally the alpha looks really good, especially compared to arma 2. Lighting made a very positive impression on me, trees look way more dimensional thanks to it and depth is shown well. During morning/eveninng I thought some vistas are backdrops because no way the landscape could look so good, had to stop shooting to admire it :D Large rock formations could be more detailed though, there's a lot of them and they lack finer details: overall shapes in coastal cliffs etc. are good but even the medium level of detail is missing. It's probably huge render hit to get more out of them but I wish they were improved, the natural overall shapes and distribution is again really really good and helps a lot. Ambient light could also need improvements, all goes flat when you remove the sun or dynamic light sources, although it's still better than arma 2. I'm not a fan of adding a ton of post-process bloom, blur and monochrome overlays, so some of the early screenshots are also inferior to alpha. By the way, I don't really buy this "BI has built higher LOD assets and better lighting engine just for screenshots but won't release these to the game" -type of thing, sounds like terrible time-management ;) Probably they've just spent time looking for some scenes and angles and lightings that show the best the game can do - maybe some minor color-corrections (not talking about PP, that's ingame!) and tweaks. -
I think the altitude of clouds can be actually quite important when dealing with CAS, transport and SAR. While the aircraft are still quite arcade, some real world limitations to their use could help the realism - such as low clouds where CAS can't see targets. So that the weather is not just a pretty thing on top but has functionality as well and has to be considered, they have this in DCS and it's awesome. And since the clouds are some kind of procedural fractal anyway, it shouldn't be difficult to add a height slider. Maybe it could lag if it's close to ground, I don't know. I hope it's added, but not in any way a priority.
New Helicopter flight model by HTR dev
D34 replied to FredAirland's topic in ARMA 3 - BETA DISCUSSION
yes, yes yes, once i get DCS: Huey, there's no turning back. The A-10 already spoiled me, High Fidelity all the things! -
thanks for the feedback, you are right, I must try to make the next one more finished. I hesitated posting these as the tank is only loosely based on Merkava, and rocks in the other are different type than what's found in Stratis. But both have similar mood and setting to what I've seen ingame - dusk is so beautiful. And there's the Comanche.... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S46a6dUWpGE/UVBrl8UzHLI/AAAAAAAAASg/_7lhCRPClzk/s1600/tankIV.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cPEoVDUVFgE/UVBrl-shGRI/AAAAAAAAASk/glmNy2usLQ4/s1600/sbs.jpg
really liked the soundtrack that was posted a few pages back. A lot of cool stuff in this thread. Here's my contribution, a couple of speedpaintings. Trying to show different moods and lighting in Stratis. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-EzqCwwOCSMI/UUyE-sDe4uI/AAAAAAAAARo/ez0PNt17HZE/s1600/insertion.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--6MmXdQ-h8Y/UUyE-uTr7QI/AAAAAAAAARs/uDZqshI840c/s1600/mike-26.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xCxTLlGQD-o/UU3XcoDav-I/AAAAAAAAASQ/HpDN_n2h6QM/s1600/agia_marina_sm.jpg