First off, let me say how wonderful and useful this mod is! Outstanding work!
But, I've come across an issue, which I suspect isn't very common:
I was playing on the Ahoyworld I&A US server last night, and was using the folding map (since they have authorized it).
Now, I'm left handed, so I switched my keyboard controls around to the arrow keys and surrounding keys. I use right shift as the sprint key.
While playing, I've had multiple moments where I would be sprinting (Shift + Up Arrow), and the map would open itself.
I suspect it's a conflict with the key bindings, as Shift+Up is also the center map key for your mod. This is further evidenced by the fact that I can't sprint if the map has been opened already.
I know you said there isn't an easy way to hook into the keyboard controls, but I hope you will find a way to pull it off.
I'll work around this by reassigning my sprint key, but custom keybind assignment would improve this a lot.