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Everything posted by Spiderz

  1. So while watching or discussing military related things in the last few weeks, somebody mentioned to me that the taliban had this clever trick where they used those thermal space blankets to sleep to mask thermal presence, it might be total bollocks but it sounded plausible. Would be cool for balancing to add a thermal blanket on the scroll wheel while prone you could carry in your pack as an asset, this would allow you to hide from thermal cameras, adding some balance to the infantry/armor thing without totally destroying the functionality of the camera on your server for the sake of balancing. you'd have to be prone, though... perhaps an option to hide/unhide your head? i guess thats wishful thinking, i mean look at the bipod situation. ~Z
  2. Spiderz

    Bomb physics.

    i made a very similar thread to this back in november, infact this is the first time i've logged on since and your thread was the first thread at the top of general i saw since logging in, made me so happy. Thanks Cyclonictuna, made my day to see other people want this. Big ups. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168173-explosions-improvement-volume-and-force&p=2552054#post2552054
  3. so currently most of ARMA 3 explosions lacks a crisp real world look. While more maps and vechiles are added i'd love to see the current engine more refined. Currently the game is great but explosions seem like this stiff obligatory addon. Obviously not all ballistics/explosions are the same but i feel ARMA 3 could use some improvement. Mainly the immediate volume and kinetic force. this kinda of stuff probably wont surface until ARMA 4.. but i would love to see some improvement down the road. ~Z
  4. Spiderz

    Fast Ropes for Helicopters?

    i mostly fly mohawk and you really do find moments when you reassess where you're going to land because you might damage the chopper. Sure i can usually bring it down on a slope to grip if i pull it down hard and don't let it slide but that might damage it slightly. Sometimes when picking up players you hover off the ground and have players scroll over the chopper rather than land. Usually that's a manoeuvre i can avoid but i have found myself using it now and again. Of course i can avoid all these things by preforming more graceful landings. But in a tense enviroment when you need to use a terrain as cover to deploy troops quickly as possible behind a hilltop, quick ropes would be much more ideal. manual or auto, having to land also gives away to enemy players that you're deploying troops. Sometimes i even find myself landing in 2-3 more places on a battlefield so that the enemy thinks i might have deployed troops in such places. When i see a dust cloud from a chopper landing in pvp even if i only have partial line of sight my subconcious tells me thats very likely the enemy location. Fast ropes would allow a new level of uncertainty of the enemy position. This would breathe new life into the game for me.
  5. Spiderz

    Fast Ropes for Helicopters?

    we really really need this. Glad i found this thread.
  6. Spiderz

    Pain Handicap

    have you ever watched a cheesy horror/thriller movie and at the most crucial moment from either pain or something else, they've given their position away? you cringe in annoyance because of how simple it would be to have to aptitude to just be quiet for a quick minute, even if you've got a broken leg, you've been shot in the arm etc because well- you're trying to hide, if you make a sound, the guy nearby is going to kill you so you better be quiet well in ARMA 3, if you got shot at and lose 25% or less of your hp, you're going to complain for your entire spawn and your vision goes blurry at what seems robotic timed intervals now, i would consider the moaning thing acceptable if i could hold my breathe for up to say, 20-30 seconds and not have that issue. However pain is subjective, perhaps the adrenaline would cause you to be tense, sweating and quiet? the fact is if you can't implement a way to man-up for a second and not moan like a girl, you can't have that handicap, it's not fair on the user, you've forced into a linear reaction, just like the blurry vision, i would accept it randomly but not at the consistent robotic rate that it happens, you can't expect every single person that has minor injuries to have visual problems, its bizarre i'm successful in ARMA 3 and i really enjoy it, but i'd like to have the choice to be quiet when it really matters, if i'm not given that choice, i don't feel its fair to burden me with the mechanic ~Z