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Posts posted by imrevned

  1. How do you do that?

    Could you lock it at any other value, let's say at 25 FPS?

    Well, with a recording software called Dxtory, you can limit the frame rate (to any number) while recording, then check the option "Synchronize Video FPS" to have the game run at the limited FPS while playing, though you need to also be recording for all this to work.

  2. I installed the official 13.4 drivers, and I went into editor and went from around 50fps in Agia Marina to 80fps (this was last night).

    I booted up the game a few minutes ago to test it out again, now my fps is back down to the 40's :/

    ---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 ----------

    Okay, I am running a little test. I just uninstalled all my video drivers and tried out the game. I had no mouse delay and was getting an average of 60 FPS in the middle of Agia Marina.

    I will reinstall the 13.4 drivers and let you know what I get.

    EDIT: Okay, after installing the 13.4 drivers (did not reboot PC as it didn't say it was required), my FPS in Agia Marina now ranges from 60-80+, with an average of 70 FPS (with NO mouse lag at all). So, I can now say that the update has really improved my performance.

  3. I get about 1000 more FPS. Since benchmarks are apparently avoided like the plague by posters here then you just have to take my word for it.

    ---------- Post added at 12:10 ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 ----------

    See if this helps.

    I just did a test, I uninstalled all of my graphics drivers and hopped into editor and spawned in Agia Marina. My FPS was 50-70 while in the city (much better), yet I still had the mouse delay. It felt like when you put v-sync on in Valve games, if you are familiar with that delay (I don't have v-sync or mouse smoothing enabled in Arma 3).

    I will try the link you sent me, thanks!

  4. Is it just me, or are you guys getting lower FPS now? And I am experiencing major mouse delay (while at 40 FPS).

    Not complaining or whining as I know this is alpha and stuff like this is to be expected, but I am wondering if it's a known problem or just something on my end.


    Okay, I discovered that I actually did get quite an FPS boost, but I have mouse delay now.

    EDIT 2:

    I followed the fix that Fuse linked, and I changed post-process to "Normal", everything feels much smoother now ^_^

  5. BIS will have all the opportunity in the world once the game goes retail. So don't give that lame excuse that they wont be able to expand their player base by limiting a free alpha....

    I don't recall him saying that they "won't be able to expand their player base", he simply believes that they "missed out on a good opportunity", so no need to freak out on the guy.

    I agree with him that it'd be nice if there was multiplayer support for the invites, because there are some gamers who enjoy gaming a lot more when playing with friends, but I know it won't have any affect on the game's sales. The fan-base is too huge to really be affected by an alpha phase.

    The invites were free as well, so I won't complain.

  6. You probably didn't uninstalled old driver properly, so i suggest do it again and clean the driver properly this time.

    I'm using 13.2 b7 and it's working fine..

    Isn't it just a myth that you have to uninstall the drivers before installing new ones? From what I have heard, they just overwrite them.

    I just installed the 13.2 drivers over 13.1 and I have had no problems.

  7. Physics is simulated ONLY on cpu. There are currently no features that would take advantage of the Nvidia's CUDA engine.

    1) Ragdolls & general simulation is a CPU thing;

    2) What you're talking about is fluff like EXTRAAAZZ particlezzz & dust puffs that Nvidia likes to advertise a lot. :)

    The latter is not in the game. (yet?)

    Ohhh okay, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.! :D
