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About bopnc

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. That was unexpected, what a good surprise ! We use your mods a lot in our community. Thanks, and keep up the good work ! :wub:
  2. That's what I'd like to know. ;) Taking 6-7 hit to both arms will either kill you, or knocks you down for only 10-15 seconds. Only (very) major blood loss will knock you down for longer times. Is it working as intended ?
  3. Hi, First, thank you for all the hard work. You're awesome ! Something annoys me. I tested the last version of ACE, and noticed that the "instant waking up" bug still exists. All tickets referencing the bug are in the "backlog" section, and still unresolved. Is it normal? Did I missed something? The medical system is a major feature, so why does this type of bug remains? Is it too hard/complicated to fix ? Does it work as intended ? Or are we too few to be impacted ? Thanks for the answers, and keep up the good work !
  4. Yeah, fantastic ! We where eargely waiting fot the FAMAS bipods. Thanks for your work. Any plans to update the R3F-uniformes mod too ? Or did I missed something ?
  5. Nice work, as usual !
  6. Excellent ! With the last BIS patch and the ability to fire while turned out, those hatches are going to be really fun to use in multiplayer.
  7. Nice ! Keep up the good work !
  8. Nice job ! With the new "fire from vehicle" feature, do you plan to give access to those rear hatches ingame for watching and firing ? Or is it too complicated ?
  9. Excellent ! Very nice work. Everyone in my group is eager to play with your creation. We are desperately in need of french vehicles for our missions !
  10. Nice ! This solved the problem we had with our member. Thanks a lot for the fix.
  11. Okay, thanks for the quick response. We'll try to find why his connection with the server is so bad, and wait for your new version. Cheers.
  12. Thanks. He doesn't have a particularly poor connection, but the connection time using the tool seems to be superior to 5s without apparent reason. Here is the server log : Feb 15 12:58:52 sd-55117 pure-ftpd: (?@XX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA) [iNFO] New connection from XX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA Feb 15 12:59:00 sd-55117 pure-ftpd: (?@XX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA) [iNFO] New connection from XX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA Feb 15 12:59:05 sd-55117 pure-ftpd: (?@XX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA) [iNFO] Logout. Feb 15 12:59:05 sd-55117 pure-ftpd: (?@XX.YYY.ZZZ.AAA) [iNFO] Logout.
  13. Hello everybody (and sorry for the bad English), First, thanks for this amazing tool. He's very handy and spare me a lot of work. But one (and only one) of our member has a problem with ArmA3Sync. When he click on the "Connect to repository" button , the loading take a while and then the message "Failed to connect to repository XXX on URL ftp:ZZZZ" pop-up (with XXX and ZZZZ replaced, obviously). He uses Windows 8, and java JRE 1.8 x32 is installed. We've checked : - The URL, port, and login information, which are OK - He can log without problem on this repository using filezilla or Chrome - He tried to shut down his antivirus and his firewall, without difference - He checked his router config, and the windows security, without difference - He tried re-installing ArmA3Sync - The ArmA3Sync debug-mode does nothing different I didn't found any clue on this topic, and doesn't really know what to tries next. Any help ?