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About BunnyPoopCereal

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  1. The only thing I've seen thus far resembling this type of armor can be seen below, and that's only for pilots. http://h13.abload.de/img/241528_19664959038177nvfvm.jpg (241 kB) G4 FLX PAROL http://www.mtekweaponsystems.com/supply/index.php?route=product/product&path=1&product_id=51 Predator FAST G4 http://www.mtekweaponsystems.com/supply/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=40
  2. BunnyPoopCereal

    Arma3 Videos

    Bohemia, please don't change this feature!
  3. BunnyPoopCereal

    Arma III Alpha Copter Fun

    Bohemia, please don't change this feature! :D
  4. BunnyPoopCereal

    Everyone gets a trophy syndrome has come to ARMA

    yeah, some people I've talked to even want a progression system...