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About jannikn

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  1. Okay, I've played Arma 3 for 9 hours now, and I've played Arma 2 for 300 hours. BUT.. In Arma 2 I have always played like wasteland where I was independent, meaning I can shoot everyone. Or played DayZ where it's kinda the same thing. Now in Arma 3, I have played some warfare and stuff but I simply can't spot enemies :confused:. When I see someone, I shoot. Then I hear some people raging, then I found out, it was friendly fire. Is there any easy way to see if the person is enemy or friendly. I try looking at the clothes and camo, but it looks alike. Kinda . Help me out here guys :cool:
  2. jannikn

    Will there be coming updates soon?

    I'm just thinking, you know. Since it has been, what, 6 days already, and a lot of people get crashes, I would think that a few updates would've been released already? Oh, and about the features, will more things be added in Alpha? I'm thinking like vehicles? There are like 5 vehicles in Alpha, will that change?
  3. So. I bought Arma III It's great. I love it. I played a lot of Arma 2 and so on, not only for DayZ.. Whatever, you probably don't want my life story. But since I love getting new features and updates. I would like to ask this: Will there be coming an update to the Alpha soon? Maybe fixing some things, adding some stuff or whatever. I'm just curious, or will they wait all the way till Alpha is over to release a patch? I would like to see some update soon :D Peace out guys ;) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ iamsuperbored.com <-- If you are bored