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About Calat

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    Private First Class
  1. Calat

    Cannot create DX11 device

    Does not work... I will install windows 7 family in dual boot maybe one of my programs is in conflict with ArmA 3 :(
  2. Yes and my problem is still here :(
  3. Yup, i have beta driver already installed Already try :(
  4. Calat

    Cannot create DX11 device

    What do you mean by "mod" ?
  5. Same problem if i try with à 60hz refresh rate Any solution for my problem i think, must wait a Hotfix Patch of BIS... but to correct what ? I dont know where is the problem :( Edit : I'll try to run the game with my computer connected to my TV with HDMI, actually i use a DVI/VGA adaptator like that : I dont see where is the problem but I dont lose anything by trying :) Edit : Same problem :(
  6. all done, the game does not work for me :( After... i5 3570k Sapphire HD 7850 1Go AsRock P67 pro (Rev. B3) Game already uninstall/reinstall. I do not know what i can do, but thank you anyway for the other players :)
  7. Calat

    Cannot create DX11 device

    ever-present problem :(
  8. Calat

    Cannot create DX11 device

    Arma 3 never launched, so my config file is not complete like you can see: Can you send me the full config file please ? :o
  9. Calat

    Cannot create DX11 device

    Already done, no change :(
  10. Calat

    ArmA III isn't working

    It's a firewall, ArmA 3 may conflict with him. Do all the updates with WindowsUpdate :)
  11. Calat

    ArmA III isn't working

    Do you using zonealarm ?
  12. I solved my first problem but know when i try to launch ArmA 3, i have this error :( My GPU is a Sapphire HD 7850 1Go, my monitor (1280x1024) is connected with a VGA adapter (like this one : ) My monitor have a refresh rate of 60hz, i think the problem is here... An idea... ? :confused: ... Thank you for all :)
  13. Calat

    ArmA III isn't working

    Already test it, i have also uninstall and reinstall the game too. :(