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Everything posted by surfer

  1. surfer

    Locking enemy inventory

    Not perfect but this in your init.sqf should do it: { if ((side _x) == EAST) then { _x addEventHandler ["Killed",{ (_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 0}]; } } forEach allUnits;
  2. Looks great, Kamikaz333! Levrex, does your modification work for A3 as well. Sorry, I'm tired. Too tired to try it out myself ;-) Thanks!
  3. If you mocap all the soldiers first shooting some rounds off the roof and then tactically sweeping down to the first floor this would be the most epic Arma scene of all time :-)
  4. Finally and with the invaluable support of IndeedPete I'm happy to pack the latest version of "Somewhere In Siberia". It will be my pleasure to send the .pbo to anyone interested in testing it. I'm especially curious how it runs in MP, so if anybody has the chance to test this aspect, please let me know! So what's new? Additionally to what I've updated on the main page: - the storyline is more complete now, leading you to the interesting locations. - custom textures are much more refined now. - there's descriptions of the factions, the zone, blowouts and anomalies in the map screen. - additional music - now with random generated hazard zones and freezer anomalies. - more enemies - more tasks Future plans: - now that I've figured out how to create a decent lighting on Altis I feel that it makes much more sense to continue the story there. Siberia/Thirsk will be the prologue with a lot of very time consuming scripting and storytelling vs. Altis which will be more random generated and MP oriented. - I will create at least one or two more anomalies and one more style of blowout. - Once done I will drag all locations/NPCs/hazard zones that make sense over to Altis and do what I like best: Create further atmosphere with vanilla objects and additional custom sounds and textures.
  5. Actually what you see in the Altis/Stratis videos is not fog but a ppEffect color correction. I think this could be 1:1 used in A2 as well. But I agree that the A2 maps or even OFP would fit the scenario much better. At least there's some factory buildings, bunkers and unfinished buildings hidden in the A3 editor which can be used to give it the OFP touch.
  6. Added a new video of the FREEZER anomaly in front of the Altis nuclear power plant. If your not lucky and run into this anomaly your character will be frozen in awe until somebody is waking him up. Anomalies can be detected by throwing chemlights into them.
  7. Does it say free redistribute? It's just free download afaik. @IndeedPete: I've been out for the whole weekend so there's no other progress than a lot of new ideas. There's at least one retouch of the hazard script I would please like you to look into, before releasing the next version. Also I've still not included the weapon replacement since using mods threw me back with a few things lately. Will send you a seperate mail with more details. Thanks everybody for your ongoing interest. Hope to post at least some new footage soon.
  8. Thanks Roadkill, will send you the next test candidate! Pepe Hal, the more I work on it the more I have the feeling mine will go into the direction of the "Roadside Picnic". I'm trying to create a game mechanic where players will have to work together to achieve things instead of ripping each other off as in DayZ. More hazard zones and anomalies are in the making. And yes, please share a vid so we can see what you are doing! I'm also excited I could win a friend to create an original score, replacing the not so legal OSTs at the moment.
  9. Thanks to Larrow I've changed the getpos to ASL and now it works like a charm! It's not restricted to houses for cover but trees and roofs and probably a lot of other stuff all give cover which is absolutely fine for me. I'm super happy now! Thanks everybody! This community rocks!!! Here's the working code: { if (count(lineIntersectsObjs [(getposASL _x), [(getposASL _x select 0),(getposASL _x select 1),((getposASL _x select 2) + 20)]]) == 0) then { // bad things happening if you didn't find cover }; } forEach allUnits;
  10. As the title says I would like to run a test for units that are not inside buildings. This is what I've got but it's far from being perfect: { if ((_x distance (nearestbuilding getpos _x)) > 10) then { // get damaged by heavy rain etc. } } forEach allUnits; Unfortunately this doesn't account if the building is small or large, so on small buildings 10 m from the center you're still standing inside. Vice versa for large buildings. I'm sure there's a more elegant way. Thanks for sharing! :-)
  11. Don't know how to copy & paste from the error, so I'm writing it down: |#| == type Array, expected Number in line 2 ---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 ---------- Thanks Squeeze, I found some old code regarding boundigbox but I hoped there would be a more streamlined option. Also thanks, 5133p39, but this code to me is just "$%&§$&"§%&/%/$%/$%/""§$", hehe :confused:
  12. @Grumpy Old Man, I think we are close but there's an error in this and I'm not experienced enough to find it. Can you help once more please? { if ((lineintersectsobjs [getposATL _x, [(getposATL _x select 0),(getposATL _x select 1),(getposATL _x select 2)+20]]) == []) then { // bad things coming if you didn't find shelter }; } foreach allunits;
  13. Thanks, Grumpy Old Man, How would I have to adapt the below code to get it to work, please? I know the +[0,0,20] is adding to the end of the array which is wrong but don't know how to achieve what I want. if (lineintersectsobjs [getpos _x, (getpos _x +[0,0,20])]) = nul then { hint "unit is outside building"; }; } foreach allUnits;
  14. surfer

    Freeze time of day?

    I gave it another test and yes, once you reset the time (with setdate) the clouds are also reset, which makes them jump. The only way I found so far was to set the wind to 0. Unfortunately this makes the grass a little lifeless. So if anybody knows of an additional way to stop the clouds from moving, please share! Thanks
  15. surfer

    Make launcher default

    I just hope this will have nothing to do with being online to play. Otherwise I will be off forever.
  16. surfer

    Freeze time of day?

    I needed just the same but I had the feeling this was jumping the clouds, was it?
  17. Thanks to IndeedPete the hazard zones are now working, so if you get too close to radioactive material your geiger counter will respond and you'll get hurt. Custom winter camo and additional textures are done, the three factions CONTENTION, GREENWAR and FREELANCERS are defined. Added more NPCs. The underground reactor is finished. Lots of bugs killed thanks to Indeed Pete and Corporal Lib. The next mission file will follow once Indeed Pete's weapon replacement script is installed, which should give you proper AKs if you have the mod installed. I have just finished the blowout script and would like to show you two blowouts, one on Thirsk where the main mission is taking place and one on Stratis for later and for quick tests. Also added a video of the underground reactor ruins to the main page.
  18. surfer

    Playing without saving

    I'm currently preparing a mission which focuses on atmosphere and low enemy count. It will take minimum 2 hours, more likely 4 hours to finish it and it will have NO saves. I'm doing this by giving you 3 AI teammates and a revive script (Farooq's Revive in this case). This way you will have to plan your attacks carefully and always try to keep at least one teammember alive. During the mission several NPCs might join you, filling up the ranks of the soldiers you couldn't heal in time. If you play it as SP it might work to leave the game and continue later but that's a different kind of save. I don't like missions where you don't have to worry about your character's life. If at all respawns should take a few minutes and the enemy should also fill up their ranks.
  19. surfer

    Zeus Lightning without module

    I'm not very good at this but maybe the below will help your progress: - Create a gamelogic item called GL in the editor. - Create a radiotrigger for testing reasons. - Inside this trigger put on activation: nul = [GL, nil, true] spawn BIS_fnc_moduleLightning; The lightning should strike at the position of your GL. This is not tested, so anybody please correct me if it doesn't work.
  20. surfer

    Objects affect performance?

    Just give it a try! Why not quickly throw in 100 dead bodies. Might help to put "this enableSimulation false" to their init field. My slower machine does handle lots of objects very well. It's more about finding the right config of no grass, clouds, shadows etc. to get good frames. And then there's MP of course which even brings my fast machine down to 30 fps.
  21. The second one is nice! I like how you created the fortified small island. And what's the classname of the destroyed house you are climbing on, please?
  22. Wow! Update your work to A3 so I can abandon my stuff which is more in the beginning than a full framework. Honestly at the moment I've spent most of my efforts to create an atmosphere and bases or laboratories. But you'll see. I'm just doing some last fixes here and there.
  23. Why not join in? :-) Thanks already for all your interest! I will put together the latest build tonight and send you guys a copy.