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Everything posted by curtcooll

  1. Hi im making a script to allow only pilots fly in heli so far it kinda works only issue is i dont know what the new classes are for the heli pilot before it used to be USMC_Soldier_Pilot.
  2. curtcooll

    Pilot only script

    Could anyone else shed some light on what the new classes are named for the helicopter pilot instead of USMC_Soldier_Pilot. Thanks []Spawn { //WaitUntil {Sleep 5;Local Player}; While {True} Do { If ((Vehicle Player IsKindOf "Air") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "USMC_Soldier_Pilot") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "")) Then { Driver (Vehicle Player) Action ["Eject", Vehicle Player]; Hint Format ["%1 you're not a qualified pilot.", Name Player]; }; Sleep 0.5; }; };
  3. curtcooll

    Pilot only script

    i tried the above and well it didn't work for me. i tried putting in the int of player and helicopter and was able to enter and fly however other code i found worked but i dont know how and what helicopter pilot would be called.