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Everything posted by curtcooll

  1. is there a way in which using ai respawn script u can resync module ive got helicopter support and if its gets destroyed when it respawns i can reuse it.
  2. im using ai respawn script now it sort of does what i want which is forgot its last coord let me explain a little bit more i have a support heli that takes u anywhere now ive got the ai unit to respawn but the trigger i have does not work as the script im using seems to completely disregard it now if i can get the trigger to work alongside the respawn im complete.what im trying to do is make it so heli gets destroyed it respawns done that but getting the ai to spawn while using the trigger which makes the ai the driver and auto mount the heli so it then allows u to recall the helicopter for extract. // AI_respawn.sqf // © JULY 2009 - norrin if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _unit = _this select 0; _lives = _this select 1; _delay = _this select 2; _respawn_point = _this select 3; _move_script = _this select 4; _group = _this select 5; _side = _this select 6; _AI_unitArray = _this select 7; _AI_magArray = _this select 8; _AI_wepArray = _this select 9; _unitsGroup = units (group _unit); while {(count _unitsGroup) > 0} do { _remainingUnits = []; {if (alive _x) then {_remainingUnits = _remainingUnits + [_x]}} forEach _unitsGroup; _unitsGroup = _remainingUnits; sleep 1; }; deleteGroup _group; if (_lives == 0) exitWith {}; _lives = _lives - 1; _wait = Time + _delay; waitUntil {Time > _wait}; _group = createGroup _side; {_x createUnit [(getMarkerPos _respawn_point), _group];} forEach _AI_unitArray; sleep 2; hint "AI respawn"; _unitsGroup = units _group; {_x disableAI "MOVE"} forEach _unitsGroup; for [{ _loop = 0 },{ _loop < count _unitsGroup},{ _loop = _loop + 1}] do { _guy = _unitsGroup select _loop; removeAllWeapons _guy; {_guy removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _guy; removeAllItems _guy; {_guy addMagazine _x} forEach (_AI_magArray select _loop); {_guy addWeapon _x} forEach (_AI_wepArray select _loop); _guy selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _guy); _guy setSkill (_AI_skillArray select _loop); sleep 0.1; }; {_x enableAI "MOVE"} forEach _unitsGroup; _leader = leader _group; [_leader, _lives, _delay, _respawn_point, _move_script, _group, _side, _AI_unitArray,_AI_magArray, _AI_wepArray] execVM "AI_respawn\AI_respawn.sqf"; [_leader] execVM _move_script; if (true) exitWith {};
  3. curtcooll

    ai spawn issue

    anyone able to help.
  4. ive set up a module of support so helicopter will take u around map but if u get shot down everything respawns but what happens is the pilot rembers the last coords u set and apon re spawn he flys there and stops which means i cant recall helicopter, so from what i gather is the ai desyncs from module which means that i cannot reuse the support feature, im sure there must be a way to resync the ai to the module and stop the ai from flying to last coords set before death. ---------- Post added at 01:06 ---------- Previous post was at 00:22 ---------- ok i got this synchronizeObjectsAdd somehow i need to make it so that the modules resync to the ai unit and stop unit from using last coordinates. ---------- Post added at 01:27 ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 ---------- ok using helicopter synchronizeObjectsAdd [jork]; this from what i gather syncs the unit back with the module as the module is not sync in editor using that line in trigger works but ai still for some reason when respawn follows the coords i gave before hand so i can issue new coords to helicopter. is there a way to complety wipe ai commands even if i use a waypoint like move and the heli explodes and pilot dies pilot still follows the waypoint must be a way in which apon the respawn of ai it forgots its last orders or summit.
  5. i dont need ai recruitment i made ai respawn makes it easier. ive still yet to try script having issue with getting steam to work atm lol. ---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ---------- awsome got game working i wanted to ask before i move onto the script for the respawn at the moment ive got everything as i want only issue is when the pilot respawns the coordinates i gave him in which we died before we got there the heli re-spawnd with all the ai plus myself but the heli started taking of in which case rembered the coords i gave him but i dont want that i want to give him fresh coords is there anyway i can make it so upod death of the pilot it reset the support module using a trigger.
  6. curtcooll

    trigger to give unit a name

    simple vehicle respawn is what im using it has been ported to arma 3 just google search it fella. ---------- Post added at 21:34 ---------- Previous post was at 21:05 ---------- ok i think i got it but how would i do it setvehiclevarname but when i do that and add name it wont allow me keeps saying ; even though i have added it what am i doing wrong.
  7. what im doing is instead of using scripts well im using a respawn script for vehicle now what im doing is giving the ability to call a heli and if it gets destroyed it re spawns with specific name.
  8. just got back from gym ill have a look i should be able to get it to work ive ported some scripts not yet working over to arma 3 by changing certain bits code it would be better overall to have heli not on map but being able to use the above script would be nuts also can include the mortar strikes as well.
  9. yes lol im stupid what i done is create a trigger for each unit and if that unit is alive each time the unit dies and respawns it will end up in heli all i do is set the activation of trigger to move ai into heli, this resolves the ai spawning at base when im alive and running all the way to where i am as the ai will just sit in heli till either i get in and out of heli they will follow, so all thats left is to get the heli to be able to get damaged and then re-spawn with the ai OMFG thats it light bulb just sparked all i need do is create a empty chopper with a pilot do the same trigger with the pilot respawn and move in and assign as driver and link module to the driver that way i should be able to call for heli i will try this fingers crossed without script, one more thing if this does work is how would i lock the playble units as the game can be played with either 2 people or 8 people 4 each team so if i wanna play like 1v1 with ai how would i lock those playable units? sorry for the shitty punctuation never did to good with grammer and such.
  10. ok cool what ill do for now is leave it but will try it at some point as i want it to be as real as it can be i played my map king of the base and shot me mates pilot and they all died which was awsome but heli didnt come back, i have however for now set it so the heli cannot be destroyed just temporary ill try what you said later tonight as far as the ai spawning go i solved that by setting the ai to playable which means they respawn once they die at base which means im still in control however i want them once they respawn to be loaded in the chopper i have intill i get the script working you mentioned, is there a way i can reint this apon respawn. this moveincargo heli; .
  11. as the title says im trying to make a trigger so that when you enter the town you have to hold it either gain point to say 100 or so so around 5 to 10 mins and if another enemy is in the area also it will be contested any ideas how one would go about doing this.
  12. curtcooll

    king of hill

    Mate i have to say awsome stuff i just copied over what you have along with my air lift in its awesome i got 2 bases each with ai heli that takes you anywhere and picks you back up also ai group that re spawns when you die so its gonna be awesome.
  13. curtcooll

    king of hill

    awsome thats exactly what im looking for how you do that also spawn protection :)
  14. tried making trigger for heli to move once unit is killed didnt work then made new map and tried doing it that way helicopter didnt even move at all so ok got rid of trigger and just put move waypoint and helicopter is just sitting there what happened.
  15. curtcooll

    king of hill

    i got script for king hill i found but dunno how i would apply to a trigger.
  16. ok downloaded air support script. wait there is there a way to make heli indestructible that way itl make it easier? i tried taht script could not seem to get any sort of support when u go via communication menu.
  17. that's bang on buddie yes i want heli to re spawn but still be able to call for extraction so it re sync with module apon re spawn, for the infantry i want them to re spawn but only once group is dead so i re spawn as the group leader and able to command them. i started scritpting a few days ago and have done some good scripts but im not that great so cant do it myself i know i dont really make sense from what i say half time but u seem to have understood what im asking :) also i code the script sorry about that.
  18. ok i tried putting marker in and when u mean a marker to move to the heli i got to spawn is stationary so where you are on map you can call on heli ---------- Post added at 10:00 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ---------- oh it respawns but i could not tell coz it does not retain the sync of modules how would i make it so it keeps that coz i want it for gamemode ive done king hill and when u die u re spawn with your ai units and if heli gets shot down it re spawns so u can recall it? and also the script respawns all the ai i want it to spawn just the heli and also spawn ai units once all the group is dead could i mabye add some script to player respawn or summit.
  19. that ai vehicle respawn dont work it cant find the script no matter what i do i know how to follow the instructions etc but it cant find it lol. ---------- Post added at 09:13 ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 ---------- ok i got script to load but it dont re spawn vehicle i get a thing pop up say ai respawn but nothing happens.
  20. curtcooll

    trigger help activation

    i tried that i put helicopter then give hold waypoint then make a move way point add in conditions then sync trigger to the hold waypoint heli just flys straight and ignores.could u do a example mission so i can see where im going wrong.
  21. Hi im trying to make it so when unit or a unit in a group is killed it will activate a trigger that will call in a enemy chopper to the location of dead guys for my mission now i know the condition of trigger is !alive unitname; but how would i make it so heli comes to that location.
  22. so anyone able to help.
  23. taco just add me to steam curtcooll i can tell u exactly what u need to do i started scripting yesterday coz arma 3 rocks just add me and ill walk u or talk you through it. ---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:54 ----------
  24. ive done it already here when u use a move for helicopter and create a helipad use car land "landpad"; {unassignvehicle _x; dogetout _x} foreach units (name of groupleader); The other part forces out the group well group leader and the group follow the leader so name group leader summit like james.
  25. Hi ive been making a mission so far ive made 4 dudes in heli crash on hill side then alerted nearby blufor rush over with 2 cars with guys which take about 5 mins to get to your position, in which they search and kill survivors your job is to try and get of island, i have at least 2 weeks worth work left to add alot stuff just trying to make it so the 2 guys that are part of the 4 man downed crew are 2 pilots and i want them to be only ones that can fly making it vital the pilots stay alive but still there is option for a boat ive tried old arma 2 scripts with no luck. Thanks ---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:51 ---------- I found this works but i dont know what you would put arma 3 pilot class under as its not usmc rather summit diffrent any clues? []Spawn { WaitUntil {Sleep 5;Local Player}; While {True} Do { If ((Vehicle Player IsKindOf "Air") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "USMC_Soldier_Pilot") && (TypeOf Driver (Vehicle Player) != "")) Then { Driver (Vehicle Player) Action ["Eject", Vehicle Player]; Hint Format ["%1 you're not a qualified pilot.", Name Player]; }; Sleep 0.5; }; };