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Everything posted by botelho

  1. Im unfamiliar with the syntax of Arma. But here is what i believe you need to do. It is only Pseudocode. //"_________" signifies spaces. /** *The following are variables that will be used as a timer, and *to stop the timer and reset. */ int counter // <type> <identifier> boolean stop = false //This needs to be global, will be used in the remove script. /** *Your First if statment should check if the player is blufor. *If player is, execute the code. If not, display to user *they are unable to execute and dnt execute the code. */ if (player is blufor) then //Check if player is blufor _____removeAction //Remove plant action from the crate. _____this.addaction(remove charge) //Add the remove action to crate. _____while ((counter <= 40) and (!stop)) then ____________counter = counter + 1 _____if (counter == 40) then //40 is the time it takes to have the charge go off. __________//BLOW UP THE CRATE. __________removeAction(removecharge) //Get rid of this option. __________counter = 0 _____else __________//The charger was diffused because stop was set to true from removecharge script. __________removeAction(removecharge) __________addAction(plantcharge) __________counter = 0 else //if player is opfor ____//display to player this is not possible. ---------- Post added at 15:04 ---------- Previous post was at 14:43 ---------- Remove Script Pseuocode. /** *Check if opfor. Set a disarmant time(sleep). set stop to true. */ int disarment = 5 int count = 0 if (player is opfor) then //Check if player is opfor _____while ((player is alive) and (count <= disarment) __________count = count + 1 //time it takes to disarm _____if (count = disarment) __________stop = true //stop the countdown __________removeAction(removeCharge) __________addAction(plantCharge) _____else __________count = 0 //restart counter because player was killed. else //if player is bluefor _____//display to player this is not possible.