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About Desaix

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Desaix


    I tend to prefer revive where one of your mate must get close to use a medikit. I feel that as the most realistic approach.
  2. Desaix

    [SP] Woods Sweep

    Nice mission. Had to restart a couple of times. My team mates did everything though, I could even not see a dead body :j:
  3. Desaix

    Co04 Sweep

    Rot, I'm not english mother language as well, you may have figuered that out. ;) For fixed revive medikit I meant the ability to revive a dead soldier by healing him with the medikit. I think that 3 or 4 lives is OK, more than that and you will loose the tension of having to abort mission. Like Fawlty we are new as well to Arma but still I don't like the chance to revive tons of time. Maybe you could do a version with 3 lives and one with 6 revive slots. Adding one more player would be cool since we are sometimes 5 to play together, and mission is not that easy at veteran settings. But I imagine that after 5 there will be a team of 6 asking for one more slot, then a group of seven...so no problem if you stick with 4 for your next missions.
  4. Desaix

    Co04 Sweep

    Thanx for this great mission Rot. We've been really enjoying the first part but had to save due to late time, but we're all looking for next objectives. I hope you will create some more along these lines: 4-5 men and fixed medikit revive number. I hate uncapped respawn but one life only is sometimes too realistic, especially when you play with small team. Your settings is the best as it adds the challenge to locate and close to unconscious friends. Is the alarm at first beach triggered as soon as the quad drives away? I managed to kill the quad driver but I feel the event had already been activated.
  5. It's called freedom and realism. In real life you can choose direction and strenght for your launch. Now only direction. Altough is generally good just to define the target point, sometimes it gives weird result not being able to tune down your power when you're under cover of wall or vehicle. Just connecting power to how long you keep pressed the button would solve the problem. Let's say you know an enemy stands around a corner, what do you do in real life? Do you strafe smiling at him waiting with his finger on trigger or do you throw a nade with a fast wrist movement keeping your precious body covered?
  6. Just a couple of additions that could enhace realism (maybe there are already shortcut for both, please tell me just in case) 1) I cannot launch a grenade above a wall to make it explode right behind it. No matter how I aim low, the grenade runs way behond it. Is there a way to decrease range? Second about grenade, I'd like the possibility to throw it around the corner of a wall house without exposing my body. What you do in real life is just a hand movement. 2) Connected to the second suggestion of the first point, it would be great to deliver suppression fire above a low wall or around a building corner without exposing body but only weapon. In addiction rotating animation both standing and prone could be better. I hate the skating feeling of men wheeling on their vertical axes. Maybe just a basic leg movement would increase realism. Btw, thanx for this great game.
  7. Desaix

    Mission Requests?

    Don't worry. Fixed objectives are anyway great as long as there's a high degree of freedom about the means to get them. Not sure if doable, but a general countdown could add enough suspence, something like you must find the team in a given location for evacuation in 1 hour no matter how many obectives have been completed. I like the feeling to finish the mission even without getting executed all goals. Maybe you can give a sort of score at the end. Coupled with random enemy location this could lead to an enhaced replicability. Adding a helicopter trip should ba a must, maybe with some anti air weapon on enemy side that, if you fail to eliminate before, could make a serious treat afterward.
  8. Desaix

    Mission Requests?

    I Wish we had more small size missions (3-5 Coop) with variable objectives and random enemy position ranging from surface to water and with heavy penalty to respawn like 2 mins or worse. Usually starting with few equipment is more fun as it implies the seek for better weapons and stuff.
  9. Turbo running one minute up a steep sloped hill with full gear+AT and only slightly hearing breath - even more easily. Running speed debuff is too weak, there is little progression from idle to full running. Not to mention prone rotation. Sometimes I feel soldier skating rather than running. We want realism not FarCry fights.
  10. Desaix

    Snakes in the Grass...or Sky

    Download link doesn't work.
  11. My favourite addon would be underwater projectile trails, both fired from surface or below sea level.
  12. Good comparison. I could have replaced SEGA/CA with EA getting the same result. The way they ruined the TW series by closing more and more stuff to modders made me stop to buy their product after NTW. They even refused to implement stuff announced before released like unit editor and square formation. Big corporation as usual are just money suckers, small company what cares about customers.
  13. Desaix

    ArmA 3 is a Beacon of Light

    Wise words. BIS ARMA and DCS flight sims are saviors of the serious PC player. Thank you both
  14. 1) Yes same as num pad rotating views 2) Only for scope view 3) Yes, lean is active 4) Never experienced 5) You can set a fast pause/activation button (mine is mouse 4) or centering button (mine is mouse 5) 6) Greater Immersion feeling 7) Not thai I'm aware of 8) USB My suggestion is that if you only use TrackIR for Arma infantry you can skip the buy, if you like flight sim or Arma birds you should take it
  15. uP. Badly needed grass on scope sight.