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Posts posted by buster0083

  1. Since the last dev branch update I've got a major Track IR issue.

    The control config for it has changed around a bit, but nothing I did in re-allocating Track IR controls restored free look as it's previously used. If I map Track IR (using the Track IR xxx Rot assignmet) to "Head left, head right, head up" nothing happens; if I map Track IR to "Look Left, Right, Up, Down analog" the up and down axes work fine but looking left and right causes the character to rapidly swivel right and left.

    I'll sort out a video cap if the above doesn't make sense but it's getting late and my capture software isn't playing nice so I'll leave it at that for now

  2. I think the key thing to remember is that the mission is titled "Night Showcase", not "Night Tactics and Equipment Showcase". It's a tech demo for the lighting engine and all the prettiness that goes with it. The editor is right there to make realistically equipped night missions.

  3. Was there a sugarcane farm directly east of Agia Marina in the original release? I've never noticed it before.

    It's great. Sugarcane makes for quite a thick jungles, please BIS make the area they take ~3 times bigger at least. It's just an awesome area that can look quite maze-like if you do it.


    Forgive my lack of observational skills but do you have a grid ref? I've never noticed it and now I can't find it!

  4. 29th April version:

    50-60FPS in the middle of Agia Marina in day down to 40-50 at night, sometimes down to 30 - big improvement on the last release. NVGs don't seem to reduce my frame rate now. Flying a helo through the town at night now comes down to low 20s, with 19FPS once or twice. Could be better, but yesterday that number was in single digits, so hugely improved.

    The NVG bug I reported with the colour of the lighthouse light is fixed.

    Thanks for the continuing work guys

  5. More than likely the Track IR "controller" in A3 has been disabled. Haven't had it happen in A3 yet but I used to get a bit of that here and there in A2. Go into "Options" >> "Controls" >> then at the top is a "Controller" tab. Click it, and you'll see any control peripherals you may have, including Track IR. It will probably be greyed out like the inputs. Select it, click Enable and you should be back in business.

    If you've already tried the above then I'm out of ideas I'm afraid :)

  6. Two further things with the new lighting.

    1 - I seem to get less frames per second while wearing NVGs. Haven't tested extensively but looks to be 20-30% worse off with NVGs on

    2 - The light coming from the lighthouse near the firing range is still a yellow (ie, not green) point of light while wearing NVGs on my rig: See below

  7. Same issue with dynamic lighting. At midnight my FPS dies, but at dawn/dusk (when the lights are still on) dynamic lighting is great and has little impact on performance.

    That's interesting, and I can report the same. At 3:15am on the editor default date, it's still pretty dark, street lights are lit, and I'm getting no hit on performance.

  8. You have the wrong classname, its just "SUD_SVU_A3". No 107 for the SVU's classname. Fyi, in the future, you can check using the config browser in the mission editor, under cfgweapons, to make sure you have the right classname for any weapon/attachment/vest/uniform/etc

    Brilliant, thank you!

  9. First, please check if you have Developer's program enabled in Steam. If it's on, you are automatically downloading every change from developers. Some of them could conflict with my mod. This changes are made every few days and I can't trace them all, sorry. You can disable and enable this every time you want. When disabled, the game will return to last official update.

    Second, If you are using any other mod, and especially if a mod uses my weapons, like Russians PMC, for instance, please try to run the game with my mod only and see if the problem still exists.

    Thank you!

    Just rolled back to the non-dev build and still have the same issue - the SVU appears if I spawn a Russian Marksman, but if I try and add it to another soldier using " this addWeapon "SUD_SVU107_A3" ", etc, it returns the same error. Anything else you might suggest? :)

  10. Love your work, guys, and so fast! One problem I'm having though, is I can't spawn the SVU 107 - returns a "no entry" error. The mod seems to be working fine, everything else loads, just not that rifle. Any suggestions? To clarify, it loads under a Marksman class soldier being placed on the map; it just seems the classname is not correct.

  11. Pardon me raising a thread from the dead, but still struggling with this one. As a bit of a mix and match of all the suggestions, I'm using this script:

    while {true} do {
    waitUntil {currentWeapon Resis != ""};
    Resis setCaptive 0;
    sleep 0.1;
    waitUntil {currentWeapon Resis == ""};
    Resis setCaptive 1;
    sleep 0.5;

    The trouble seems to be I can't get the check to loop. If I spawn the player with no weapon and "waitUntil {currentWeapon Resis == ""}; Resis setCaptive 1;" it works fine; same goes if I do it the other way with a weapon. But using the above to try and have a continuing check doesn't seem to work.

    Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong?
