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Everything posted by buster0083

  1. Has anyone got a suggestion for spawning AI units sleeping? I'm building a mission with players sabotaging laagered vehicles and if possible I'd like to have their "crews" asleep in the centre but can't conceive a way to make it happen.
  2. buster0083

    Creating sleeping AI units

    Yeah I guess if anything I'm going to have to live with them being prone and unarmed... maybe having them sit is a better idea haha
  3. buster0083

    DEV 28/03/2013 build menu item error

    That would explain some blank buttons in the editor - cheers!
  4. Alwarren, I'm struggling to get a trigger to work to change the setCaptive state - if I use a radio trigger the concept works perfectly, but I've tried a few combinations of the other suggestions in this thread to make the setCaptive become false once the player is carrying a weapon but with no success. How would you go about it? Cheers
  5. Thanks guys, some good stuff in here - this must surely be one of the most helpful forums I've been on!
  6. buster0083

    Placing Chemlights on Ammo Boxes

    Thanks very much - most appreciated - I found your quote bit but I'll add the attachTo bit right now
  7. Is it possible to add a chemlight to illuminate the position on an ammo box? I saw the scripting to place chemlights on a diver's body for night diving but I'm placing a box underwater in a night mission and am trying to think of a way to make it easier to find. Cheers all